What is your opinion on plastic surgery?
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
Answer here
hii i is asking you a questioonzz... fave colour??
hii i is asking you a questioonzz... fave colour??
Answer here
do you think 2012 is gonna happen?
of course it is going to happen and so is 2013 and 2014 and 2011 and 2015 and so on
read this: http://ambermessinataylor.tumblr.com/post/1289419238/dear-formspring-users look what they're saying about you..are they right?
seen it and of course they are 100% wrong. duh
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
no i am not and that is ONE reason my ex when to her exhusband
What is your opinion on plastic surgery?
if need it is fine like if you were bured or somthing. but just to change somone lookes, i dont think so
do you believe in evolution?
sure, i beleve god created what ever was first here and it evoluved from there....
Can you stop spamming me please? Sorry
i would if i could but i can not so i wont.
google "spam" to find out why.
umm yea... um ppl r saying tht ur rlly creepy an shit and they kinda want u to stop.....
make your own desition about me. do not go with what they say. follow me and find out for your self.
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No Sugar Tonight
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