what do you do for a living?
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
how do you get the cheetos dust off your fingers, lick off, wipe off or other?
how do you get the cheetos dust off your fingers, lick off, wipe off or other?
Answer here
would you rather live life on the rich side or on the poor side ?
would you rather live life on the rich side or on the poor side ?
Answer here
do u play any type of instruments? niel or sim
do u play any type of instruments? niel or sim
Answer here
Are u married?(: if so do u have kids? If so what are there names?(:
Are u married?(: if so do u have kids? If so what are there names?(:
Answer here
why does fseanb cope everyones questions? its annoying!! everyone block his b_tch ass
that is what the "ask friends" button is for.
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight