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Connecticut, United States

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A monkey's skull wrapped in leather and paper was used as a soccer ball in the very first World's Cup Soccer Championships in Uruguay.

A monkey's skull wrapped in leather and paper was used as a soccer ball in the very first World's Cup Soccer Championships in Uruguay.

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Answer here

how old were you when you started wearing high heels?

how old were you when you started wearing high heels?

Answer here

Which of the following is true about most of your prayers: a) have been answered or b) remain unanswered?

Which of the following is true about most of your prayers: a) have been answered or b) remain unanswered?

Answer here

what is today's full date in cluding name of day?

what is today's full date in cluding name of day?

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Answer here

EVEERYONE: Ok question of the day. What is your biggest turn on? answr below if brave. C'mon u can do it, it will be our little secret

EVEERYONE: Ok question of the day. What is your biggest turn on? answr below if brave. C'mon u can do it, it will be our little secret

Answer here

if you can drive a car alone then you can wear high heels. simple

if you can drive a car alone then you can wear high heels. simple

Answer here

what cute name does your significant other call you? :D

what cute name does your significant other call you? :D

Answer here

what DECADE do you wish you grew up in? (not generation)

what DECADE do you wish you grew up in? (not generation)

Answer here

It's funny because when it rains it pours. And we have enough money for wars, but not to feed the poor..

It's funny because when it rains it pours. And we have enough money for wars, but not to feed the poor..

Answer here

so you would allow your daughter to walk outta the house short skirt and heels on??

so you would allow your daughter to walk outta the house short skirt and heels on??

Answer here

have you ever peed/been peed on while being sexual with someone? would you want to?

have you ever peed/been peed on while being sexual with someone? would you want to?

Answer here

be honest, do you pee in the shower?

be honest, do you pee in the shower?

Answer here

you told other ppl that i steal questions..hows that not acting like a bitch? seriously..

you told other ppl that i steal questions..hows that not acting like a bitch? seriously..

Answer here

i hate when people answer questions with "him" or "her". what do you think of it? WHY??

i hate when people answer questions with "him" or "her". what do you think of it? WHY??

Answer here

question me more offten each day....ok?

question me more offten each day....ok?

Answer here

do you think its normal for men to get erections very often?

do you think its normal for men to get erections very often?

Answer here

Who doesn't walk around naked in their room?

Who doesn't walk around naked in their room?

Answer here

Do you enjoy answering my questions? WHY?

Do you enjoy answering my questions? WHY?

Answer here

do you have a GF and a BF? do they know it? how does that work?

do you have a GF and a BF? do they know it? how does that work?

Answer here

Do you enjoy answering my questions? WHY?

Do you enjoy answering my questions? WHY?

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Answer here

fill my imbox.

fill my imbox.

Answer here

whats the goofiest name for a cat??? i would say...doggy or puppy. x]]

whats the goofiest name for a cat??? i would say...doggy or puppy. x]]

Answer here

Do you sleep naked or clothed?

Do you sleep naked or clothed?

Answer here

i feel that open toe shoes of any kind should be outlawed. agree or disagree? WHY?

i feel that open toe shoes of any kind should be outlawed. agree or disagree? WHY?

Answer here

what do you think of open toe shoes and why?

what do you think of open toe shoes and why?

Answer here

(for everyone) if YOU can not see a girls figure in a dress then she is wearing a dress that is too big. agree or disagree AND WHY???

(for everyone) if YOU can not see a girls figure in a dress then she is wearing a dress that is too big. agree or disagree AND WHY???

Answer here

What is your current ringtone?

What is your current ringtone?

Answer here

i think more females over the age of 15 should wear more high heels (not open toe shoe with heels). agree or dissagree and why?

i think more females over the age of 15 should wear more high heels (not open toe shoe with heels). agree or dissagree and why?

Answer here

Oh ok you barely wear heels! How come you barely wear heels? I bet you rock them lol :) <33

Oh ok you barely wear heels! How come you barely wear heels? I bet you rock them lol :) <33

Answer here

i think more females should wear more skirts and dresses. agree? why or why not?

i think more females should wear more skirts and dresses. agree? why or why not?

Answer here

Ù •●♥Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·♥●•Ù  (feel free to copy and past that where ever you want)

Ù •●♥Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·♥●•Ù  (feel free to copy and past that where ever you want)

Answer here

How short is your shortest SKIRT?

How short is your shortest SKIRT?

Answer here

How short is your shortest dress? Lol.

How short is your shortest dress? Lol.

Answer here

How high are most of your dresses?

How high are most of your dresses?

Answer here

Ù •●♥Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·♥●•Ù 

Ù •●♥Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·♥●•Ù 

Answer here

Is that really you in your photo?

Is that really you in your photo?

Answer here



Answer here

☺ "Smile. It makes people wonder what your up to." ☺

☺ "Smile. It makes people wonder what your up to." ☺

Answer here

if you can not think of what to ask, just use the "ask friends" button that is below every question that is answers and you can ask people what somone else asked. try it soon. ok?

if you can not think of what to ask, just use the "ask friends" button that is below every question that is answers and you can ask people what somone else asked. try it soon. ok?

Answer here

HOW DOES your God SHOW THAT HE/SHE loves you!??

HOW DOES your God SHOW THAT HE/SHE loves you!??

Answer here

keep on fillin' my inbox. please, ok?

keep on fillin' my inbox. please, ok?

Answer here

Every house has a "smell" to it, except your own...agree ??

Every house has a "smell" to it, except your own...agree ??

Answer here

"your God loves you!"

"your God loves you!"

Answer here

what decade do you wish you grew up in?

what decade do you wish you grew up in?

Answer here

Biography sections are underrated‼

Biography sections are underrated‼

Answer here

No Sugar Tonight

No Sugar Tonight

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