When was the last time you got raped by a rhino..? Lmao ahhh yes a RHINO.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I hate those people who wine and complane about EVERYTHING?
I hate those people who wine and complane about EVERYTHING?
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Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups. :P so there for you can NOT spam on fromspring!
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups. :Pso there for you can NOT spam on fromspring!
Answer here
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
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(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
Answer here
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
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How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
Answer here
If you were to create a new religon...what would it be like? describe? why? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
If you were to create a new religon...what would it be like? describe? why? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
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Have you seen your mom naked? explain please
Have you seen your mom naked? explain please
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º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
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If I'm a waitress, What would you like to order right now ?
If I'm a waitress, What would you like to order right now ?
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☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
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"The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910." they oughta be the youngest couple with kids, becuase the youngest mother recorded was 5 years old when she gave birth
"The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910." they oughta be the youngest couple with kids, becuase the youngest mother recorded was 5 years old when she gave birth
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IF a dogs Bark is a sound that the dog makes then why is a trees bark not a sound too?
IF a dogs Bark is a sound that the dog makes then why is a trees bark not a sound too?
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FINISH THE SENTENCE: country music is___________? skool is____________________? work is____________________? old skool__________? converse are ____________? demi lovato is___________? eminem is________________? MJ was____________________?
FINISH THE SENTENCE: country music is___________? skool is____________________? work is____________________? old skool__________? converse are ____________? demi lovato is___________? eminem is________________? MJ was____________________?
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Who were you in high school, the jock, class clown, prep, ect..?
Who were you in high school, the jock, class clown, prep, ect..?
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ok ok: 1) how big are your boobs? ... 2) do you wish your boobs or ass were bigger? ... 3) how much $$ would it take for you to flash me? ... 4) do you like your boobs or ass more? ... 5) How come and why? ...
ok ok: 1) how big are your boobs? ... 2) do you wish your boobs or ass were bigger? ... 3) how much $$ would it take for you to flash me? ... 4) do you like your boobs or ass more? ... 5) How come and why? ...
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What is everything you are wearing right now? DEscribe them please.
What is everything you are wearing right now? DEscribe them please.
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thsi http://www.videophenomena.com/2-girls-1-cup/ is not that gross
thsi http://www.videophenomena.com/2-girls-1-cup/ is not that gross
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good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
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good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
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does anyone have a link to "2 girls 1 cup" video?
does anyone have a link to "2 girls 1 cup" video?
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How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
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what was your embarrassing childhood nickname?
what was your embarrassing childhood nickname?
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good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
Answer here
Answer here
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
Answer here
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight