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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
If you could take a vacation in a place, where it would be ?
If you could take a vacation in a place, where it would be ?
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Have You ever went to jail ?
nope. i have never been to jail. i never enven visited a jail. well i did visit alcatraz in california but it was not longer workig as a jail. it was just a tour.
good morning, it is 10:11am here and I just got out of bed. please let the questions and answers flow to me. I am ready for them. thansk you. How are you sofar today? What is new? what is happening? HOW COME?
good morning, it is 10:11am here and I just got out of bed. please let the questions and answers flow to me. I am ready for them. thansk you. How are you sofar today? What is new? what is happening? HOW COME?
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Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
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How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
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Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
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And now I'm asking you, Whhy do you thinking about arabs that they are dirty, Anything personal ?
And now I'm asking you, Whhy do you thinking about arabs that they are dirty, Anything personal ?
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Have You watched the u.s in the world cup ?v
Have You watched the u.s in the world cup ?v
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you realy should answer ALL questions no mater what they are. that whay you will seem polight (nice/careing).
you realy should answer ALL questions no mater what they are. that whay you will seem polight (nice/careing).
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Have You Ever Wanted To Visit Egypt Before ?
Have You Ever Wanted To Visit Egypt Before ?
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What Do You Know About The Pyramids in Egypt ?
What Do You Know About The Pyramids in Egypt ?
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Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
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Do you belive in the tooth fairy, sata clause, the sandman, father time, the easter bunny, God? How come?
Do you belive in the tooth fairy, sata clause, the sandman, father time, the easter bunny, God? How come?
Answer here
Bonjour: Good Morning Ca Va: How Are You Doing
Bonjour: Good MorningCa Va: How Are You Doing
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How many pairs of old socks do you have? How many pairs of new #socks do you have? how many total pairs do you want to giveaway?
How many pairs of old socks do you have? How many pairs of new #socks do you have? how many total pairs do you want to giveaway?
Answer here
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
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Please follow this link to validate your profile. Thanks
Please follow this link to validate your profile. Thanks
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please describe and tell me about your old #socks? what do they look like? how old are they? why dont you want them? etc etc
please describe and tell me about your old #socks? what do they look like? how old are they? why dont you want them? etc etc
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did you follow: yet?
did you follow: yet?
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i only ask things i would love to know the answer to. Do you read all my answers?
i only ask things i would love to know the answer to. Do you read all my answers?
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what holidays do you celibrate and why? how come? what for? when?
what holidays do you celibrate and why? how come? what for? when?
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What do you think are the 5 most important inventions of the last 100 years?
What do you think are the 5 most important inventions of the last 100 years?
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how many push ups can u do till u cave of exhaustion?
how many push ups can u do till u cave of exhaustion?
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if all of a sudden ALL ur FS contacts left .. and u cud only have 3 left.. which 3 wud YOU pick ???
if all of a sudden ALL ur FS contacts left .. and u cud only have 3 left.. which 3 wud YOU pick ???
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What is the meaning of "ya3ny eih "Asap" yyaah il page 3indy itmalet kulu mn 2l agwibah taba3ak ur soo peautiful"?????
What is the meaning of "ya3ny eih "Asap" yyaah il page 3indy itmalet kulu mn 2l agwibah taba3ak ur soo peautiful"?????
Answer here
What is the meaning of "3ashan 2ahly dool b yedriboony law shafoony 3ala 2l msn da baba mraqeb 2l 2aghiza yalli 3indana"???
What is the meaning of "3ashan 2ahly dool b yedriboony law shafoony 3ala 2l msn da baba mraqeb 2l 2aghiza yalli 3indana"???
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight