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Connecticut, United States

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

Answer here

WHy is Ham square when othEr luNch meaT is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

WHy is Ham square when othEr luNch meaT is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

Answer here

What is your favorite toy to play with as an adult?

What is your favorite toy to play with as an adult?

Answer here

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

Answer here

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Answer here

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

Answer here

Do you generally prefer answering yes or no to "yes or no" questions? And, why is that so?

Do you generally prefer answering yes or no to "yes or no" questions? And, why is that so?

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Answer here

how can i change language on my account?

i hope you never can. ENGLISH is the best!

Ask me anything, anything at all...

do you think you got a nice ass?

do you think you got a nice ass?

Answer here

WHy is Ham square when othr luch mean is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

WHy is Ham square when othr luch mean is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

Answer here

Who let the dogs out?

Who let the dogs out?

Answer here

do you sometimes fart?

do you sometimes fart?

Answer here

what do your socks say about the kinda person you are? why?

what do your socks say about the kinda person you are? why?

Answer here

How do the socks you wear make you feel?

How do the socks you wear make you feel?

Answer here

~"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet make them. People that arent wearing or don't wear sock arent truely happy" -sean beckerer

~"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet make them. People that arent wearing or don't wear sock arent truely happy" -sean beckerer

Answer here

Stop worrying what life should be & start living what life is.! (L)ive (I)t (F)ully (E)veryday #Life and NO complaining 2day! (If you change the way you look at things,, the things you look at WILL #CHANGE --Dyer UNDERSTAND?

Stop worrying what life should be & start living what life is.! (L)ive (I)t (F)ully (E)veryday #Life and NO complaining 2day! (If you change the way you look at things,, the things you look at WILL #CHANGE --Dyer UNDERSTAND?

Answer here



Answer here

How did you think of that awesome question?

How did you think of that awesome question?

Answer here

why r u so weak minded that you block people that fuck with you? its just words

why r u so weak minded that you block people that fuck with you? its just words

Answer here

Are you rough or gentle on your pantyhose?

Are you rough or gentle on your pantyhose?

Answer here

What flavor is your favorite color?

What flavor is your favorite color?

Answer here

What color is your favorite flavor?

What color is your favorite flavor?

Answer here

who is your ultimate favourite singer and why?

who is your ultimate favourite singer and why?

Answer here

What is formspring? what are members supost to do with it once they join? how come?

What is formspring? what are members supost to do with it once they join? how come?

Answer here

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No Sugar Tonight

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