I'm gonna ask you some fill in the blank type of questionss / My middle name is:
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SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
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Have you gotten your flu shot this year yet? If not, do you plan on getting it? :D
Have you gotten your flu shot this year yet? If not, do you plan on getting it? :D
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Sex questions? x) Hmm Hmm... tell me what kind of questions you want me to ask, by telling me in my inbox :D Kay?
Sex questions? x) Hmm Hmm... tell me what kind of questions you want me to ask, by telling me in my inbox :D Kay?
Answer here
have you ever liked someone who hates you? if yes did you get over it?
have you ever liked someone who hates you? if yes did you get over it?
Answer here
Do you know what it's like to be truly happy?
Do you know what it's like to be truly happy?
Answer here
You can ask me anything you want about anything. Would you tell your parents if you were having sex?
You can ask me anything you want about anything. Would you tell your parents if you were having sex?
Answer here
OMG, You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed\unisex showers only... what do you do? why?
OMG, You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed\unisex showers only... what do you do? why?
Answer here
Do you ever think that doctors, nurses, and pharmaceutical companies are suppressing and hiding cures to major diseases like diabetes and cancer?
Do you ever think that doctors, nurses, and pharmaceutical companies are suppressing and hiding cures to major diseases like diabetes and cancer?
Answer here
You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed or unisex showers what do you do?
You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed or unisex showers what do you do?
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Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
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Do you masturbate, if so, what's your technique?
Do you masturbate, if so, what's your technique?
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follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring please
follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring please
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google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
Answer here
You are in a public business and need to use the restroom and when you get to the restroom area there are two doors one says virgins and the other says all others which do you choose?
You are in a public business and need to use the restroom and when you get to the restroom area there are two doors one says virgins and the other says all others which do you choose?
Answer here
try this: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS365US366&q=Rihannah+Alyssa+Smith ?
try this: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS365US366&q=Rihannah+Alyssa+Smith ?
Answer here
what do you prefer a heat wave or a winter storm? =)
what do you prefer a heat wave or a winter storm? =)
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11. Have you ever auditioned for something? x
11. Have you ever auditioned for something? x
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7. Do you like being on boats? Do you like boat rides? x
7. Do you like being on boats? Do you like boat rides? x
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Girls: do you wear lots of makeup? Guys: do you wear lots of makeup? xDD
Girls: do you wear lots of makeup? Guys: do you wear lots of makeup? xDD
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"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight