If You Could Only Pick 3 Dishes To Eat For The Rest Of Your Life. What Would U Choose?
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010
What's the craziest thing you would do for money?
What's the craziest thing you would do for money?
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If you were invisible, could you see yourself?
If you were invisible, could you see yourself?
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If you were a crayon what color would you be?
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
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would you move out of the country for someone you love?
would you move out of the country for someone you love?
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What smells delicious but tastes awful?
i dont remember, sorry. but i know pussy can smell bad and tastes good.
If you had to live underwater for 2 years, what would you be and why?
a killer whale because not ever one hates them and they still comand respect, unlike a shark
Do you think teenagers are more violent today then in previous generations? Why?
Do you think teenagers are more violent today then in previous generations? Why?
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what song do you want played at your funeral?
what song do you want played at your funeral?
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What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
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Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
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So how would a girl go about seducing you? And what type of women do you like?
So how would a girl go about seducing you? And what type of women do you like?
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wud u like to run ur own country? what country wud it be? what wud u call it? how wud u run that country? think this over and answer.. no idk's!
wud u like to run ur own country? what country wud it be? what wud u call it? how wud u run that country? think this over and answer.. no idk's!
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One thing your scared of that aint a phobia??
One thing your scared of that aint a phobia??
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is there someone who never ceases to make you SMILE when u come in contact with them??????? i doooooooooo - who is it for u?
is there someone who never ceases to make you SMILE when u come in contact with them??????? i doooooooooo - who is it for u?
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Balls; shaved, or hairy like a lumberjack manly man?
Balls; shaved, or hairy like a lumberjack manly man?
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If you bord then log on to http://twitter.com/fseanb and also log into http://www.formspring.me/fseanb and make acounts on both sites. i hope to see you there. ok??
If you bord then log on to http://twitter.com/fseanb and also log into http://www.formspring.me/fseanb and make acounts on both sites. i hope to see you there. ok??
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight