Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010
do u know how to post youtube vids so they play on ur page .. like click n play. if so.. i didnt pay attention to how .. pls explain it to me. ty in advance.
just put the link to the video in your answer to somones questions.
please take a look at and follow her.
please take a look at and follow her.
Answer here
Dayum you you have alot of quesitons answered haha
sure i do. but i have more questions askled then answered. you want in on that?
do u prefer to kill flies if in ur home or help them get out alive? i help them get out alive.. do u think thats kind? lol
IT IS KIND of rediculouse! i kill them if i need to or just let them fly around till they die.
The most viewed video on YouTube "Justin Bieber- Baby ft. Ludacris" has more "dislikes" than "likes". Surprisingly, it gained over 320 million views in only 6 months beating every other video!
that sucks that anyone cares enough to watch him. i never heard of that song/video and i am not going to check it out. viewers need to grow up.
Do you spell it blonde or blond ?
depends on how it is in the dictionary. look it up!
If we switched clothes, what would I be wearing?
a whote tshirt with the names of the 50 usa state on them and a pair of jean shorts. but i dont want to switch with you
Agree Or Disagree : Cows Are The Most Important Animals In The World?
we can live with out them but it would be hard.
Dear Americans, you need to burn Calories, not Quran. ( Lol, i just read this seconds ago, it's not my own words ) :D
then do not send shit like that if you dont mean it.
( -Selected ALL | ; Ayyeeeee :) Follow Me && Dau`rice`s Spamminggg Account ; , Pleaseee ♥ We Doess This Shxtt Pahaaa !
can you speak in american english only please. i do not understand what your trying to tell me.
rate me from 1-10
who are you???
if i was rateing you on your fromspring photo alone i would say your an 11.67!
rate me now.
Woah the request for facts are outstanding! If you don't want any more facts, just tell me. I will get started on a second account :)
facts are truths,. i like truths.
what is this second acount? follow me there also. ok?
state 3 things you know about me:
you dont talk to me anymore.
you lovve pink.
you are not your self on line and there for i dont realy know anything about you at all.
how often do u weigh yourself? do u know how much u weigh? i weigh myself daily and know down to the ounce what i weigh. are u pleased with ur weight? i am.
not offten enough.
about 180-185.
i am not pleased with ur weight.
when someone emails u a fwd - do u always read n look at it? how many a day do u reckon u get? i get tons and i must admit i dont look at them all. erm.
i do not look at them all. i dont get a lot. if i read them i usaly send them on but not always.
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