In this #heat; how are you keeping cool?what are you wearingwhile you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

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Friday, July 16, 2010
The pics (icons) on formspring are still to small. if you make them biger by the same % you just made them biger then they would be good. please. ok? :)
The pics (icons) on formspring are still to small. if you make them biger by the same % you just made them biger then they would be good. please. ok? :)
Answer here
@CVS_Extra says "visit and you can get a #coupon for a free hand-sanitizer #pen to bring to your local #CVS" ALRIGHT?
@CVS_Extra says "visit and you can get a #coupon for a free hand-sanitizer #pen to bring to your local #CVS" ALRIGHT?
Answer here
If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.
If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.
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(fixed) please FOLLOW: ~For Real News
(fixed) please FOLLOW: ~For Real News
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please FOLLOW: Real News
please FOLLOW: Real News
Answer here
please FOLLOW: XXX
please FOLLOW: XXX
Answer here
In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer
In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer
Answer here
WHat excatly are you wearing right now? any pics of you wearing that?
WHat excatly are you wearing right now? any pics of you wearing that?
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what are you doing this weekend? will you take pics?
what are you doing this weekend? will you take pics?
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What do you look for in a woman in terms of physical appearance?
What do you look for in a woman in terms of physical appearance?
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight