What do you think is your most attractive feature ?
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
What is the music you want touch on your funeral?
What is the music you want touch on your funeral?
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If you could rid the world of one thing , what would it be?
If you could rid the world of one thing , what would it be?
Answer here
Have you ever broken a bone ? Broke, how was it?
Have you ever broken a bone ? Broke, how was it?
Answer here
What is the thing in yourself that you should probably throw away but never play?
What is the thing in yourself that you should probably throw away but never play?
Answer here
Sneakers , hi heels, boots or sandals ? why? when?
Sneakers , hi heels, boots or sandals ? why? when?
Answer here
What would be the greatest privilege of the workplace ?
What would be the greatest privilege of the workplace ?
Answer here
What is the most generous thing you've ever done ?
What is the most generous thing you've ever done ?
Answer here
If you could eliminate one of the things you do every day in the bathroom and did not have to do it anymore, what would it be ?
If you could eliminate one of the things you do every day in the bathroom and did not have to do it anymore, what would it be ?
Answer here
You believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
You believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
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If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
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If you could instantly have fluency in another language, which would you choose ?
If you could instantly have fluency in another language, which would you choose ?
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What is the website where you spend more time ?
What is the website where you spend more time ?
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If you could be the master in any skill , what would it be?
If you could be the master in any skill , what would it be?
Answer here
If you had your own talk show , who would be their first three guests?
If you had your own talk show , who would be their first three guests?
Answer here
Qual foi o pior conselho que você já recebeu?
Qual foi o pior conselho que você já recebeu?
Answer here
If you became a fictional character, who would you be ?
If you became a fictional character, who would you be ?
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if you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x-7v3PJ6Eg is a chken dance then you need to google "chicken dance" and see the real stuff!!!
if you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x-7v3PJ6Eg is a chken dance then you need to google "chicken dance" and see the real stuff!!!
Answer here
WHere do you see yourself in the next 6 years? doing what? how come? how old will you be by then?
WHere do you see yourself in the next 6 years? doing what? how come? how old will you be by then?
Answer here
http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml what do you think of that?
http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml what do you think of that?
Answer here
I know you have come to embrace your boobs but if you had the choice to pick your boob size, what would it be? would it be bigger or smaller?
I know you have come to embrace your boobs but if you had the choice to pick your boob size, what would it be? would it be bigger or smaller?
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@MyPornProfile asks Have you ever been caught masturbating? what happend? how old were you? who cought you? where where you at the time?
@MyPornProfile asks Have you ever been caught masturbating? what happend? how old were you? who cought you? where where you at the time?
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would you please answer this http://4ms.me/aQ4F6n quesion?
would you please answer this http://4ms.me/aQ4F6n quesion?
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WHat has no one ever asked you that you want people to know about? (it could be about you OR IT COULD BE NOT ABOUT YOU)
WHat has no one ever asked you that you want people to know about? (it could be about you OR IT COULD BE NOT ABOUT YOU)
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What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?
What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?
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Have you seen this puppy; http://www.formspring.me/home ?
Have you seen this puppy; http://www.formspring.me/home ?
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What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!
What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!
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What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?
What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?
Answer here
If you cut off a glowworm's tail would it be delighted?
If you cut off a glowworm's tail would it be delighted?
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Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?
Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight