What qualities about me are attractive to you? What is your sex life like specifcally? (details please) Why? How come? when? where? with who?
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Thursday, June 11, 2009
What is attractive to you may not be attractive to other people. In other words, what you like someone else may dislike. The world would be boring if everyone liked the same things and disliked everything else at the same time.
I like Americans. English is very important to me and my date must understand and speak it as well or better then I do. I was born -n- raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA. So in other words my great-grandparents were born and raised in the USA. I like it that way. No one has ever tryed to set me up on a date. I don't like when people use English in an incorrect manner, even if they were born and raised here. Most non-American women are not attractive to me. Europeans, like people from England, can look attractive. But defiantly people from like India and Pakistan are never going to be attractive to me. Australians are attractive sometimes. I am only talking about females.
I dislike women with male hair cuts that show off the back of their neck. I dislike piercings on women. I dislike rudeness and improper use of English, weather it be in spoken words or in typed words. I dislike people trying to change other people in to what they may think is "normal".
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
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/ˈnɔrməl/ Show Spelled [nawr-muhl] Show IPA
1.conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2.serving to establish a standard.
a.approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
b.free from any mental disorder; sane.
4.Biology, Medicine/Medical.
a.free from any infection or other form of disease or malformation, or from experimental therapy or manipulation.
b.of natural occurrence.
a.being at right angles, as a line; perpendicular.
b.of the nature of or pertaining to a mathematical normal.
c.(of an orthogonal system of real functions) defined so that the integral of the square of the absolute value of any function is 1.
d.(of a topological space) having the property that corresponding to every pair of disjoint closed sets are two disjoint open sets, each containing one of the closed sets.
e.(of a subgroup) having the property that the same set of elements results when all the elements of the subgroup are operated on consistently on the left and consistently on the right by any element of the group; invariant.
a.(of a solution) containing one equivalent weight of the constituent in question in one liter of solution.
b.pertaining to an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight unbranched carbon chain, each carbon atom of which is joined to no more than two other carbon atoms.
c.of or pertaining to a neutral salt in which any replaceable hydroxyl groups or hydrogen atoms have been replaced by other groups or atoms, as sodium sulfate, Na2SO4.
7.the average or mean: Production may fall below normal.
8.the standard or type.
a.a perpendicular line or plane, esp. one perpendicular to a tangent line of a curve, or a tangent plane of a surface, at the point of contact.
b.the portion of this perpendicular line included between its point of contact with the curve and the x-axis.
Origin: 1520–30; <>norm ) + -ālis -al 1 —Related forms
nor⋅mal⋅i⋅ty, nor⋅mal⋅ness, noun
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FN02%2FN0217400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
/ˈnɔrməl/ Show Spelled [nawr-muhl] Show IPA
a city in central Illinois. 35,672.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009. Cite This Source
Link To normal
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fahd4%2FN%2FN0153400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
(nôr'məl) adj.
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.
Biology Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.
Abbr. n or N Chemistry
Designating a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.
Designating an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms.
Being at right angles; perpendicular.
Perpendicular to the direction of a tangent line to a curve or a tangent plane to a surface.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.
Being at right angles; perpendicular.
Perpendicular to the direction of a tangent line to a curve or a tangent plane to a surface.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.//-->n.
Something normal; the standard: scored close to the normal.
The usual or expected state, form, amount, or degree.
Correspondence to a norm.
An average.
Mathematics A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.//-->[Middle English, from Late Latin normālis, from Latin, made according to the square, from norma, carpenter's square; see gnō- in Indo-European roots.]//-->nor'mal·ly adv.
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fahd4%2FN%2FN0153400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
(nôr'məl) A town of central Illinois north-northeast of Bloomington. It is the seat of Illinois State University (founded 1857). Population: 50,700.//-->
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
NormalNor"mal\, a. [L. normalis, fr. norma rule, pattern, carpenter's square; prob. akin to noscere to know; cf. Gr. ? well known, ? gnomon, also, carpenter's square: cf. F. normal. See Known, and cf. Abnormal, Enormous.]
1. According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical.
Deviations from the normal type. --Hallam.
2. (Geom.) According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle. Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal.
3. (Chem.) Standard; original; exact; typical. Specifically: (a) (Quantitative Analysis) Denoting a solution of such strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same number of milligrams of the element in question as the number of its molecular weight. (b) (Chem.) Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5. (c) (Organ. Chem.) Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in which no carbon atom is united with more than two other carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc. Cf. Iso-.
Normal equations (Method of Least Squares), a set of equations of the first degree equal in number to the number of unknown quantities, and derived from the observations by a specified process. The solution of the normal equations gives the most probable values of the unknown quantities.
Normal group (Geol.), a group of rocks taken as a standard. --Lyell.
Normal place (of a planet or comet) (Astron.), the apparent place in the heavens of a planet or comet at a specified time, the place having been determined by a considerable number of observations, extending perhaps over many days, and so combined that the accidental errors of observation have largely balanced each other.
Normal school, a school whose methods of instruction are to serve as a model for imitation; an institution for the training of teachers.
Syn: Normal, Regular, Ordinary.
Usage: Regular and ordinary are popular terms of well-known signification; normal has now a more specific sense, arising out of its use in science. A thing is normal, or in its normal state, when strictly conformed to those principles of its constitution which mark its species or to the standard of a healthy and natural condition. It is abnormal when it departs from those principles.
NormalNor"mal\, n. [Cf. F. normale, ligne normale. See Normal, a.]
1. (Geom.) Any perpendicular.
2. (Geom.) A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or surface at that point.
Note: The term normal is also used to denote the distance along the normal line from the curve to the axis of abscissas or to the center of curvature.
Medical DictionaryMain Entry: 1nor·malPronunciation: 'nor-m&lFunction: adjective1 a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from anorm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 2 : occurring naturally and not because of disease, inoculation, or anyexperimental treatment3 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b : free from mental disorder : SANE c : characterized by balanced well-integrated functioning of the organism as a whole 4a of a solution : having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter b : containing neither basic hydrogen nor acid hydrogen c : not associated d : having a straight-chain structure —nor·mal·ly /'nor-m&-lE/ adverb
Main Entry: 2normalFunction: noun: a subject who is normal
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Medical Dictionary
normal nor·mal (nôr'məl)adj.
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.
Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.
Occurring naturally and not because of disease, inoculation, or any experimental treatment. Used of immunity.
Of, relating to, or being a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.
Of, relating to, or being an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms.
Of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development.n. The usual or the expected state, form, amount, or degree.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical DictionaryCopyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Normal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Normal may refer to: Normality (behavior), conformance to an average In mathematics and science Normal (mathematics) (disambiguation) Normality (concentration), the discrepancy between the concentrations of ionic species in a solution Normal forms, in database normalization, criteria for determining...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal
Town of Normal, Illinois
The official website of the Town of Normal, Illinois. ... Welcome to the official website of the Town of Normal. Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date town news and information, while continually improving and expanding upon our menu of online services and communication tools.
What is normal for me may not be normal for you. I dislike heavey noticable make up on women. What I dislike is also what is unattractive to me. So when i experiance these things it makes me want to stay away from the person making me experiance them. i wont go up to somone with heavey make up and try to dance with them since i dont like them having heavy make up to begin with. so what i realy dislike is when people dance with somone whom they have no intencens of wanting anything to do with. being buzzed or even drunk is no excuse for doing that.What is attractive to you may not be attractive to other people. In other words, what you like someone else may dislike. The world would be boring if everyone liked the same things and disliked everything else at the same time.
I like Americans. English is very important to me and my date must understand and speak it as well or better then I do. I was born -n- raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA by parents who were born and raised in the USA. So in other words my great-grandparents were born and raised in the USA. I like it that way. No one has ever tryed to set me up on a date. I don't like when people use English in an incorrect manner, even if they were born and raised here. Most non-American women are not attractive to me. Europeans, like people from England, can look attractive. But defiantly people from like India and Pakistan are never going to be attractive to me. Australians are attractive sometimes. I am only talking about females.
I dislike women with male hair cuts that show off the back of their neck. I dislike piercings on women. I dislike rudeness and improper use of English, weather it be in spoken words or in typed words. I dislike people trying to change other people in to what they may think is "normal".
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FN02%2FN0217300.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
/ˈnɔrməl/ Show Spelled [nawr-muhl] Show IPA
1.conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2.serving to establish a standard.
a.approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
b.free from any mental disorder; sane.
4.Biology, Medicine/Medical.
a.free from any infection or other form of disease or malformation, or from experimental therapy or manipulation.
b.of natural occurrence.
a.being at right angles, as a line; perpendicular.
b.of the nature of or pertaining to a mathematical normal.
c.(of an orthogonal system of real functions) defined so that the integral of the square of the absolute value of any function is 1.
d.(of a topological space) having the property that corresponding to every pair of disjoint closed sets are two disjoint open sets, each containing one of the closed sets.
e.(of a subgroup) having the property that the same set of elements results when all the elements of the subgroup are operated on consistently on the left and consistently on the right by any element of the group; invariant.
a.(of a solution) containing one equivalent weight of the constituent in question in one liter of solution.
b.pertaining to an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight unbranched carbon chain, each carbon atom of which is joined to no more than two other carbon atoms.
c.of or pertaining to a neutral salt in which any replaceable hydroxyl groups or hydrogen atoms have been replaced by other groups or atoms, as sodium sulfate, Na2SO4.
7.the average or mean: Production may fall below normal.
8.the standard or type.
a.a perpendicular line or plane, esp. one perpendicular to a tangent line of a curve, or a tangent plane of a surface, at the point of contact.
b.the portion of this perpendicular line included between its point of contact with the curve and the x-axis.
Origin: 1520–30; <>norm ) + -ālis -al 1 —Related forms
nor⋅mal⋅i⋅ty, nor⋅mal⋅ness, noun
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FN02%2FN0217400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
/ˈnɔrməl/ Show Spelled [nawr-muhl] Show IPA
a city in central Illinois. 35,672.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009. Cite This Source
Link To normal
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fahd4%2FN%2FN0153400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
(nôr'məl) adj.
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.
Biology Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.
Abbr. n or N Chemistry
Designating a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.
Designating an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms.
Being at right angles; perpendicular.
Perpendicular to the direction of a tangent line to a curve or a tangent plane to a surface.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.
Being at right angles; perpendicular.
Perpendicular to the direction of a tangent line to a curve or a tangent plane to a surface.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.
Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development.
Free from mental illness; sane.//-->n.
Something normal; the standard: scored close to the normal.
The usual or expected state, form, amount, or degree.
Correspondence to a norm.
An average.
Mathematics A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.//-->[Middle English, from Late Latin normālis, from Latin, made according to the square, from norma, carpenter's square; see gnō- in Indo-European roots.]//-->nor'mal·ly adv.
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fahd4%2FN%2FN0153400.mp3&clkLogUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak.jeeves.ask.info%2Fi%2Fb.html&var_t=a&var_d=d&var_s=di&var_c=a&var_ti=1&var_ai=51359&var_l=dir&var_o=0&var_sv=00000000&var_ip=185bbcf0&var_u=audio&var_proxyUrl=http://dictionary.reference.com/whatzup.html&var_validVars=Array&var_defaultVars=Array"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();
(nôr'məl) A town of central Illinois north-northeast of Bloomington. It is the seat of Illinois State University (founded 1857). Population: 50,700.//-->
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
NormalNor"mal\, a. [L. normalis, fr. norma rule, pattern, carpenter's square; prob. akin to noscere to know; cf. Gr. ? well known, ? gnomon, also, carpenter's square: cf. F. normal. See Known, and cf. Abnormal, Enormous.]
1. According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical.
Deviations from the normal type. --Hallam.
2. (Geom.) According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle. Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal.
3. (Chem.) Standard; original; exact; typical. Specifically: (a) (Quantitative Analysis) Denoting a solution of such strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same number of milligrams of the element in question as the number of its molecular weight. (b) (Chem.) Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5. (c) (Organ. Chem.) Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in which no carbon atom is united with more than two other carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc. Cf. Iso-.
Normal equations (Method of Least Squares), a set of equations of the first degree equal in number to the number of unknown quantities, and derived from the observations by a specified process. The solution of the normal equations gives the most probable values of the unknown quantities.
Normal group (Geol.), a group of rocks taken as a standard. --Lyell.
Normal place (of a planet or comet) (Astron.), the apparent place in the heavens of a planet or comet at a specified time, the place having been determined by a considerable number of observations, extending perhaps over many days, and so combined that the accidental errors of observation have largely balanced each other.
Normal school, a school whose methods of instruction are to serve as a model for imitation; an institution for the training of teachers.
Syn: Normal, Regular, Ordinary.
Usage: Regular and ordinary are popular terms of well-known signification; normal has now a more specific sense, arising out of its use in science. A thing is normal, or in its normal state, when strictly conformed to those principles of its constitution which mark its species or to the standard of a healthy and natural condition. It is abnormal when it departs from those principles.
NormalNor"mal\, n. [Cf. F. normale, ligne normale. See Normal, a.]
1. (Geom.) Any perpendicular.
2. (Geom.) A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or surface at that point.
Note: The term normal is also used to denote the distance along the normal line from the curve to the axis of abscissas or to the center of curvature.
Medical DictionaryMain Entry: 1nor·malPronunciation: 'nor-m&lFunction: adjective1 a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from anorm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 2 : occurring naturally and not because of disease, inoculation, or anyexperimental treatment
Main Entry: 2normalFunction: noun: a subject who is normal
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Medical Dictionary
normal nor·mal (nôr'məl)adj.
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.
Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.
Occurring naturally and not because of disease, inoculation, or any experimental treatment. Used of immunity.
Of, relating to, or being a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.
Of, relating to, or being an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms.
Of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development.n. The usual or the expected state, form, amount, or degree.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical DictionaryCopyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Normal may refer to: Normality (behavior), conformance to an average In mathematics and science Normal (mathematics) (disambiguation) Normality (concentration), the discrepancy between the concentrations of ionic species in a solution Normal forms, in database normalization, criteria for determining...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal
Town of Normal, Illinois
The official website of the Town of Normal, Illinois. ... Welcome to the official website of the Town of Normal. Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date town news and information, while continually improving and expanding upon our menu of online services and communication tools.
I do like women that are not skin and bones. I like kindness. I like females that like me for who i am and not who I was or who i could be if I change. Change is best in money form.
Well, that is all I have to say on that.
PLEASE, Check out my many new posts to MY blog http://fseanb.blogspot.com/ and let me know in comments what you think of what I have to say and how come.
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