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Connecticut, United States

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Friday, July 30, 2010

"There's a difference between being #confident and not wearing #socks" (can't have both) -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

"There's a difference between being #confident and not wearing #socks" (can't have both) -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

Random Act of #Kindness: #Buy somone a #pair of #socks that you don't usaly buy anything for. Wrap them up before #giving. @fseanb

Random Act of #Kindness: #Buy somone a #pair of #socks that you don't usaly buy anything for. Wrap them up before #giving. @fseanb

Answer here

I wish i could sit at a computer all day answering questions on formpring and get paid for it. too bad i live inconnecticut. just my luck :(

I wish i could sit at a computer all day answering questions on formpring and get paid for it. too bad i live inconnecticut. just my luck :(

Answer here

Out side of your working life... What kind of person are you realy? likes/dislike? hobbies? favorets? wants? needs? ect..?

Out side of your working life... What kind of person are you realy? likes/dislike? hobbies? favorets? wants? needs? ect..?

Answer here

are you getting my questions? if yes, then why are you not answering them anymore?

are you getting my questions? if yes, then why are you not answering them anymore?

Answer here

What is one thing that always makes you laugh when you think about it?

What is one thing that always makes you laugh when you think about it?

Answer here

How often do you miss living dorm style and for that fact miss your alma mater?

How often do you miss living dorm style and for that fact miss your alma mater?

Answer here

If "scrotumier" was actually a word in Merriam-Webster's English dictionary, what would it's exact definition be?

If "scrotumier" was actually a word in Merriam-Webster's English dictionary, what would it's exact definition be?

Answer here

What is the strangest thing you have ever seen someone carry onto a public transportation vehicle

What is the strangest thing you have ever seen someone carry onto a public transportation vehicle

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