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Thursday, October 7, 2010
você cuida da natureza ou joga lixo na rua?
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
ja gostou de alguem q era seu melhor amigo
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Sua mãe sabe quando você não está afim de ouvir o falatório dela?
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
conta piadas?
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
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Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
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Wow. You're fucked up. Do you know how many people hate you on here? and think you're a creep?
do you know how many people on here ask me stuff and want me to ask them stuff?
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Your gf needs to get her eyes checked.
i know. she just cant afod it now and she broke her glasses be for she met me.
New Spam:DD 2DAY:Quotes: “if i knew it was going 2 hurt this much i would have never told u i love you” agree? girl:i promise.... soemday u’ll REGRET loosing me.....& u’ll think bak&say “DAMN.. dat girl really did love me...”
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
BROKEN HEART:“Tears fall forever inside a broken heart” agree? FACT:“you don’t have 2 be THIN to be dont need to be GOOD LOOKING to be PRETTY” agree or disagree?
agree: you dont have to be thin to be beautiful
disagree: you dont need to be good looking to be pretty. (how can ugly people be pretty?)
do u like being talked about ??
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
unfollow me.
no thansk.
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
spam me ppl. or ask me normal Q's i dont care just inbox moi something!!!! im so bored. kk thnx ur awsome <3333333333
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Wow really lmao dumb fuck do you have memory lost? you said something about me being too skinney lmao when i CLEARLY didnt ask you in the first place,
that does not mean i was ever on your page.
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So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
You are hands down the worst human being I have come across :P
you must not come across many. not that you have ever come across me in real life and there for dont know me at all.
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
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Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
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How old were you when you had your first kiss
How old were you when you had your first kiss
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NO im not questioning you, NO idgaf about what you have to say, & YES it would be a waste of your time replying back, SO! don't come startin shit on my page ever again! smh dumbass douche bag.
i have never been to your page. sorry.
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
do u use ur formspring screename on anything else?
do u use ur formspring screename on anything else?
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º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
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º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
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☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
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wat time do u get up on week days? wat time do u get up on weekends?
wat time do u get up on week days? wat time do u get up on weekends?
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FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
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