what do you think of open toe shoes?b why?
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
girls - do you have a belly button ring guys- is that a turn on or a turn off?
girls - do you have a belly button ring guys- is that a turn on or a turn off?
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Do you have a dark secret that you're hiding from everyone?
Do you have a dark secret that you're hiding from everyone?
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"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? | 4.Do you plan outfits? | 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? | 4.Do you plan outfits? | 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
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1. First thing you wash in the shower? | 2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
1. First thing you wash in the shower? | 2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
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follow: http://www.formspring.me/cookiemonstax
follow: http://www.formspring.me/cookiemonstax
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If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?
If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?
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she's only nice to you cuz she thinks your hot
she's only nice to you cuz she thinks your hot
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what is a "slow jam"? is that jelly that wont come out of the jar?
what is a "slow jam"? is that jelly that wont come out of the jar?
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Have u ever uploaded a video on youtube? if yes then wat is the link to it??
Have u ever uploaded a video on youtube? if yes then wat is the link to it??
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How many questions are in your inbox, right now ?
How many questions are in your inbox, right now ?
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follow: http://www.formspring.me/cookiemonstax
follow: http://www.formspring.me/cookiemonstax
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google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
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yawn. ask me stuff so i can answer them tomarrow. anything goes...
yawn. ask me stuff so i can answer them tomarrow. anything goes...
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Do you judge people by the way they dress or look ?
Do you judge people by the way they dress or look ?
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What gender you would like your first child to be: Boy,girl or something else?
What gender you would like your first child to be: Boy,girl or something else?
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if people were giving away free balloons what colour would you get?
if people were giving away free balloons what colour would you get?
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what is a "slow jam"? is that jelly that wont come out of the jar?
what is a "slow jam"? is that jelly that wont come out of the jar?
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Does this joke sound dirty to you? "If you Twitter my Yahoo I'll let you Google Myspace"
Does this joke sound dirty to you? "If you Twitter my Yahoo I'll let you Google Myspace"
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Well, ...Did YOU ever seriously injured YOURself‼!‼??????????????????????
Well, ...Did YOU ever seriously injured YOURself‼!‼??????????????????????
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explain "playign touch scoring a try" to me.
explain "playign touch scoring a try" to me.
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight