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Connecticut, United States

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Answer here

@Socks4HappyPPL "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. but no mater what i choise, it will be even better if i wear socks." - sean beckerer (@fseanb)

@Socks4HappyPPL "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. but no mater what i choise, it will be even better if i wear socks." - sean beckerer (@fseanb)

Answer here

If you were deserted on an island (not the Lost island), what two things would you bring with you? One stipulation - you can't bring technology.

If you were deserted on an island (not the Lost island), what two things would you bring with you? One stipulation - you can't bring technology.

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How come you are not answering ALL my questions????????? i thought that was what formspring was for.

How come you are not answering ALL my questions????????? i thought that was what formspring was for.

Answer here

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

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Do you use twitter and how do i find you on it?

Do you use twitter and how do i find you on it?

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