If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why? http://4ms.me/9SAsWn
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

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Monday, July 26, 2010
If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?
If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?
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If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your out fit look like?
If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your out fit look like?
Answer here
If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your talent be?
If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your talent be?
Answer here
What is sumthing dumb u seen people fight about or over? Or have u ever been in a fight that was over sumthing dumb?
What is sumthing dumb u seen people fight about or over? Or have u ever been in a fight that was over sumthing dumb?
Answer here
What do you do when you're all alone with no appointments, nowhere to be, nothing to do -- if you have a whole night to yourself, how do you spend your time?
What do you do when you're all alone with no appointments, nowhere to be, nothing to do -- if you have a whole night to yourself, how do you spend your time?
Answer here
If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?
If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?
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What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?
What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?
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What colour bra are you wearing right now? :)
What colour bra are you wearing right now? :)
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Who are ur favorite Burlesque performerrz? Have you been 2 any live Burlesque shows? Who did u see?
Who are ur favorite Burlesque performerrz? Have you been 2 any live Burlesque shows? Who did u see?
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follow: http://www.formspring.me/fseanb for more questions to answer
follow: http://www.formspring.me/fseanb for more questions to answer
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@Disability411 Happy 20th #Anniversary #ADA! http://adaanniversary.org/ #ADA20
@Disability411 Happy 20th #Anniversary #ADA! http://adaanniversary.org/ #ADA20
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On the 20th anniversary of the ADA, see how people with disabilities are earning jobs with some help from Goodwill: bit.ly/8YjGwS. #ADA20
On the 20th anniversary of the ADA, see how people with disabilities are earning jobs with some help from Goodwill: bit.ly/8YjGwS. #ADA20
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What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?
What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?
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In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer http://4ms.me/dguAa9
In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer http://4ms.me/dguAa9
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All women should be bisexual! http://4ms.me/bVguEA
All women should be bisexual! http://4ms.me/bVguEA
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If you could only live with 2 ppl for the rest of your life (not including famly) who would u pick?
If you could only live with 2 ppl for the rest of your life (not including famly) who would u pick?
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What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, PORN, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?
What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, PORN, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?
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if you know any good home health aide jobs in connecticut USA, let me know. If you know any good ones, pass them on!
if you know any good home health aide jobs in connecticut USA, let me know. If you know any good ones, pass them on!
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight