Have you read: http://www.formspring.me/fseanb/q/910818160 yet?What do you think of it? #socks
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
■Have a sock party. Invite your kiddie (and/or adult) guests to bring all of their mismatched socks over for an annual sock hop. Have a basket by the front door where guests can throw their singles in. After everyone arrives, blindfold your guests and hav
■Have a #sock #party. Invite your kiddie (and/or adult) guests to bring all of their mismatched socks over for an annual "sock hop". Have a basket by the front door {http://ecochildsplay.com/2008/06/17/shoes-transmit-disease-leave-them-by-the-door/ ) where guests can throw their singles in. After everyone arrives, blindfold your guests and have them each choose two. Guests must wear their silly socks throughout the party (trading allowed). After the party remind your guests to add their new old socks to their costume box.
■You may also be able to donate single socks to your local SPCA. Animals with sore paws can use them as protective coverings. Teachers might consider this pet bed as a classroom charity project http://www.hgtv.com/crafting/homemade-pet-beds/index.html .
■Make a catnip ball. Fill the bottom of a small sock with catnip and sew up the top.
* http://frugal.families.com/blog/new-uses-for-old-socks
* http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=266643
* http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/89699/10_clever_ways_to_recycle_old_socks.html
* http://www.recyclethis.co.uk/20060425/how-can-i-reuse-or-recycle-%E2%80%A6-old-socks
* http://ecochildsplay.com/tag/old-socks/
* http://ecochildsplay.com/tag/sock-puppets/
■Have a sock party. Invite your kiddie (and/or adult) guests to bring all of their mismatched socks over for an annual sock hop. Have a basket by the front door where guests can throw their singles in. After everyone arrives, blindfold your guests and hav
■Have a sock party. Invite your kiddie (and/or adult) guests to bring all of their mismatched socks over for an annual sock hop. Have a basket by the front door where guests can throw their singles in. After everyone arrives, blindfold your guests and hav
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"Why it is wise to worship a Woman!? #spirituality #divine #feminine #socks" BECAUSE HELL AINT GOT NO RATH LIKE A WOMAN SCONED!
"Why it is wise to worship a Woman!? #spirituality #divine #feminine #socks" BECAUSE HELL AINT GOT NO RATH LIKE A WOMAN SCONED!
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"Why it is wise to worship a Woman!? #spirituality #divine #feminine #socks" BECAUSE HELL AINT GOT NO RATH LIKE A WOMAN SCONED!
"Why it is wise to worship a Woman!? #spirituality #divine #feminine #socks" BECAUSE HELL AINT GOT NO RATH LIKE A WOMAN SCONED!
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Are your socks colored, white, long, short, size?....explane your socks please.
Are your socks colored, white, long, short, size?....explane your socks please.
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Summer is almost over! =[ . How do you plan to kick asss to end it?
Summer is almost over! =[ . How do you plan to kick asss to end it?
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What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?
What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?
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Do not send money over seas when people in the USA are in need of that money. i have less then $300. in bank and rent is $600. i have a job but not enough hours. send me money, send other americans in need the money. dont send it to earthquake hit places
Do not send money over seas when people in the USA are in need of that money. i have less then $300. in bank and rent is $600. i have a job but not enough hours. send me money, send other americans in need the money. dont send it to earthquake hit places
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"Do you find yourself anymore elaborate?" well other then the name on my birth certificate and my job title/discription, I dont realy find myself to be any more elaborate then an "American male human". Do you find yourself "anymore elaborate"? How come?
"Do you find yourself anymore elaborate?" well other then the name on my birth certificate and my job title/discription, I dont realy find myself to be any more elaborate then an "American male human". Do you find yourself "anymore elaborate"? How come?
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