I do not understand women. maybe you can explane why women do the things they do. why do they dance with someone and complement the guy if they don't want to see them after that night? why do women dance to gether if they wont date each other? why do women wear reveiling clothes and then when they get hit on they get pissed? why do women who have boyfriends or husbands go out with out them? Why do women get mad at men for doing things that the owmn think is ok for her to do? why if a women is mad at a man and the man want to try and men things then she gets madder butif she tryes to mend things when he is mad she expext him to fold and stop being mad. why dont women take responceability for why a man is mad at her?
Why do women do what they do? it comfuses men. I wish women would just be blunt, kind and literal. stay away from the men you do not want to date. Dance or hang out with or talk to only the men you want to date. Because, sometimes, most of the time, I don't understand women... How do women tell men they truly like him and are not just messing around? why? How can a women say she loves a guy and yet still say she dose not want to be around him anymore?
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No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight
hummm i can't speak for others hre only for myself and i like to dance when i go out and sotimes i dance wit men and sometime i don't i just dance with the people i go out with or by myself,and as for the compliments to the guy well its just the way i am and just because i dancewith a guy don't mean i want to take them home with me,and doesnt mean that i wont see them agian providing they even remember to call me after i give them my number, most of the time they are so trashed they dont. i wear the revealing clothes because thats just the way i like to dress not so much to get the responses but because i love showing off what GOD gave me, and trust me i dont get pissed i on the other hand love it when men compliment me just as long as they are respctful in doin so....i dance with the group i go out with like i said doesnt mean i have to be dating the girls cus this chick isnt into girls at all,its mostly cuz the guys are to damn shy to ask me to dance lol....
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs a break once in a while from the b/f or hubby or vise. versa ,there is nothng wrong with goin out without eah other as long as you respect the situation at hand and know that you are only there to have fun and nothing more,,,
on the mending thing i feel if you both are mad just give each other space and in time you both will realize what went wrong and mend things together as one not just one trying to mend the situation.
i as a women do what i do cuz who else is goin to take careof me if i dont, meaning i do what i do for me not for anyone else, example i do my nails and toes for me not to please a man or i cut and style my hair for me not a man,,,ETC ...
shit i would have to stay away from all men cuz most of the time they want me i dont want them,,, and you try to stay away from women that you dont want to hang out with or dance with, it dont mean that you have to date them to hang out with them,,,, but then again there might be that one certain male that catches my fantsy that i might be interested in and ya never know that one might be the one for me and if he is itshis responsibility to make the net move to keep the sparks flying in my direction....
your not supost to speak for anyone but yourself.
ReplyDeleteyou say you give your number. well i dont get that much.
i think if you truley love somone then you do not want a brake from them, you cant stand to be away from them. if you love somone you cant wait for work to end so you can go be with that person. they are all you can think of. if not then you may want ot consider not being in a relationship with that person.
if you dont ask men to dace and they are to shy to ask you then you will be single for ever. women need to do the asking too. but only if they are interested in the guy. they should not dace wityh men they never want to see again after that night.
what i ment is if he is mad at her and she is not mad she expect him to get over it. but if she is mad and he want to mend it then she gets madder rather then getting over it like she would want him to do. he is not alowed to be upset in her mind but in her mind she has all the right to be upset. not fair. why is this happning, why do women do this?
oh and by the way. you miht want to click on the part under the comment box that says comment as:
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