Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

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Friday, September 10, 2010
i blocked your creepy fucking ass. your disgusting
most of my questions are from other people asking them frist.
following :))) can you make a question?
yes i will ask you question when i can. can you ask me stuff?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Answer here
oooh, she had to lie to you really... I'm not creative and intereseted enough to ask back most of the time xP
use the "ask friends" button. it will help you look createve engough to ask questions.
What is the difference between love, romance, and sex?
What is the difference between love, romance, and sex?
Answer here
Do you believe in karma? Soul mates? Destiny?
Do you believe in karma? Soul mates? Destiny?
Answer here
What's the difference between sexy and erotic?
What's the difference between sexy and erotic?
Answer here
If your friend was cheating on their lover, would you tell the lover about it? explain please.
If your friend was cheating on their lover, would you tell the lover about it? explain please.
Answer here
If your friend was cheating on their lover, would you tell them to stop?
If your friend was cheating on their lover, would you tell them to stop?
Answer here
cross the line if you ever typeD "cross the line" to somone as a question
cross the line if you ever typeD "cross the line" to somone as a question
Answer here
i hate fuckin cancer.. if there was a cure would you share it
i hate fuckin cancer.. if there was a cure would you share it
Answer here
What was the last book that you read? Was it any good?
What was the last book that you read? Was it any good?
Answer here
if your in school did you get your homework done form moneday yet? what was it? how much more do you have to do? when will you do it?. if you dont go to school do you take your work home with you. explain.
if your in school did you get your homework done form moneday yet? what was it? how much more do you have to do? when will you do it?. if you dont go to school do you take your work home with you. explain.
Answer here
Have you ever auditioned for a part in a play?
Have you ever auditioned for a part in a play?
Answer here
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Do you wish you had more?
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Do you wish you had more?
Answer here
what kindof band aides do you wear? what do they look like?
what kindof band aides do you wear? what do they look like?
Answer here
Do you have any band-aids on right now? If so, why?
Do you have any band-aids on right now? If so, why?
Answer here
cross the line if you have ever crossed the line.
cross the line if you have ever crossed the line.
Answer here
cross the line if you ever types "cross the line" to somone as a question
cross the line if you ever types "cross the line" to somone as a question
Answer here
CROSS THE LINE if you had more the 50 questions in your inbox from one person when you FIRST got on frompring today. who was that person? how well do you know them? expmain your answers, please.
CROSS THE LINE if you had more the 50 questions in your inbox from one person when you FIRST got on frompring today. who was that person? how well do you know them? expmain your answers, please.
Answer here
CROSS THE LINE if you had more then 100 questions in your inbox when you frirst got on formspring today.
CROSS THE LINE if you had more then 100 questions in your inbox when you frirst got on formspring today.
Answer here
Why you decided to listen to Sandi and ask me all of these questions?
i think she said you would ask me stuff back.
do you mind me asking and answering?
oiiiiiiiii amorrr, tudo bem? tem como você divulgar??? obrigada desde já *-* ♥
Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· please use english only on formspring.*-* ♥
Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· What is a "quadrados?"? Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·
Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· What is a "quadrados?"? Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·
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