never heard of that. what/who is it?
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SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Monday, August 23, 2010
hey everyone, i will respond to anything you put inmy inbox... i am a great formspring user like that. have a nice day :) i hope to hear from you soon. thansk.
hey everyone, i will respond to anything you put inmy inbox... i am a great formspring user like that. have a nice day :) i hope to hear from you soon. thansk.
Answer here
why are you not answerng my questions anymore?
why are you not answerng my questions anymore?
Answer here
Lol, I'm Student And I'm Living With My Parents Who Works There. And I Don't Think That Traveling For A Good Work Is A Bad Idea, Even If You're Loyal To The Royal
you would be wrong then if that is what you realy think.
Lol, Then Do You Think That I Must Go To The USA And Get A Citizenship And Forget About My Origin, Sorry I'm To Loyal To My Country And My Religion Too.
yes i do. if you did then you would be smart!
Then I'm Egyptian And I Speak Arabic, And I Also Speak Your Language, Even If It's Not That Good But Still I Do. I Think I'm Smarter Than You :)
you would think wrong then. if you were that smart you would stop speaking ariabic and move to the USA and become a catholic american. duh
I Can Speak Your Language You Can Speak Mine ?
I am American and I speek english... so why would I want to speak your language?
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Answer here
Then You're Mr.Perfect And I Think I Need To Learn Some English, Because I Fail In Speaking English :(
i am not perfect. and yes you realy do.
Ok Good Job Then... And I Ain't American And English Is My Second Language And i Dont Think That My Grammar Is That Bad..
well it is not that good either. i know my spelling might not be the best but my gramer is never incorrect.
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Answer here
Just Start Asking Questions, But not Private One And Dont Repeat Any
i have been asking questions! i dont do privet anything on formspring! if i feel like repeating then i will and i will expect you to answer everything!
You Telling Me, Your Not An American And You Need How To Speak Well, Right ?
nope i never said THAT. i am 100% American.
"how did i know what you wont answer if i dont ask?" Sorry But if You Commenting On My Grammar Just Check Yours ..
i was not commenting on your grammer. i was asking a real question. duh
You're Too Curious And Stop Posting Me Questions That I Won't Answer..
how did i know what you wont answer if i dont ask?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
Answer here
i did not ask how everything is going. i asked "What's happening"
i did not ask how everything is going. i asked "What's happening"
Answer here
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
Answer here
would you please oh please respond to anything that comes to your inbox? thansk
would you please oh please respond to anything that comes to your inbox? thansk
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?
Answer here
please try: what do you think of it?
please try: what do you think of it?
Answer here
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
Answer here
Why do you want to put your finger in somones ass?
Why do you want to put your finger in somones ass?
Answer here
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too.
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too.
Answer here
If you could have any 3 super powers, What would they be? Why those powers? What would you do with them? Would you be Evil or Hero? How come?
If you could have any 3 super powers, What would they be? Why those powers? What would you do with them? Would you be Evil or Hero? How come?
Answer here
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
Answer here
when was the last time you gave a random person (not a good frien or a family member) a big long hug? who was it? where? when? why? if not, will you do it sometime? will you do it again? how come? :) *hugs*
when was the last time you gave a random person (not a good frien or a family member) a big long hug? who was it? where? when? why? if not, will you do it sometime? will you do it again? how come? :) *hugs*
Answer here
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight