Whats one of ur fave shows u watched while growing up and u still watch every once in a while?
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Are you truly an idiot or just pretending to be one?
Well, to be honest, I am not an idiot and I am not pretending to be an idiot. But you sound like an idot for asking. I am just using formspring as it was ment to be. I can not help it if no one wants to answer my questions or even ask me any good questions.
I am not sure if you were trying to seem like a bully or it just came across to me that way, but in any case I do not like the additude of your question.
Who are you anyhow? How did you find me?
What did I say or ask or answer that made you think of an idiot??
Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.
Are you truly an idiot or just pretending to be one?
i am not an idiot and i am not pretending to be an idiot. but you sould like an idot for asking.
what is the strangest thing anyone has every asked you to do?
what is the strangest thing anyone has every asked you to do?
Answer here
What's your all time favorite wedding reception song?
What's your all time favorite wedding reception song?
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how many pickles do you think you could eat in an hour?
how many pickles do you think you could eat in an hour?
Answer here
What is/are "Redvines"?? i never heard of such a thing. i was born and rased and still live in connecticut, usa.
What is/are "Redvines"?? i never heard of such a thing. i was born and rased and still live in connecticut, usa.
Answer here
@formspring is it a #hosting problem that my #questions are not being answered by your people for that last few weeks?
@formspring is it a #hosting problem that my #questions are not being answered by your people for that last few weeks?
Answer here
Did you relise that "Some people grin and bear it. Others smile and wear #Socks. Its upon the individual how to take it."??
Did you relise that "Some people grin and bear it. Others smile and wear #Socks. Its upon the individual how to take it."??
Answer here
OK, I give up ... am I asking the wrong kind(s) of questions? ... {lol}
OK, I give up ... am I asking the wrong kind(s) of questions? ... {lol}
Answer here
What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?
build A huge see through bullet/bomb proof wall around the USA and canada, including alska and hawii but not purto rico, and make it 50000miles tall above sea level with barbed wire along the top. Start the wall 50000 yards off shore so we still have some beaches and boating on our shore lines and make the wall touch the bottom of the sea/ocan with a 1 foot by 1 foot hole along the base of the wall every 20501 miles so that small sea life and water can pass through. Let no one fly out of or into USA and Canada unless they can prove they were born in the USA or canada and have been living there ever since.
What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?
build A huge see through bullet/bomb proof wall around the USA and canada, including alska and hawii but not purto rico, and make it 50000miles tall with barb wire along the top. Start the wall 50000 feet off shore so we still have some beaches and boating on our shore lines and make the wall touch the bottom of the sea/ocan. Let no one fly out of or into USA and Canada unless they can prove they were born in the USA and canada and have been living there ever since.
Hey i agree with that: " i am trying to be IM ADDICTED TO YOUR WEBSITE but people don't answer or ask me questions anymore. HELP!!!! " it happens to me alot too.
Hey i agree with that:" i am trying to be IM ADDICTED TO YOUR WEBSITE but people don't answer or ask me questions anymore. HELP!!!! " it happens to me alot too.
Answer here
What is your favourite movie with a single syllable title?
What is your favourite movie with a single syllable title?
Answer here
If you were a spy being chased by a very powerful organisation where would you go to hide?
If you were a spy being chased by a very powerful organisation where would you go to hide?
Answer here
Make a Difference - Donate. Donate your used socks to a site like The Mismatched Sock (http://www.themismatchedsock.com) to make a real difference, one sock at a time. ok?
Make a Difference - Donate. Donate your used socks to a site like The Mismatched Sock (http://www.themismatchedsock.com) to make a real difference, one sock at a time. ok?
Answer here
Do you #love #socks? try: http://twitter.com/search?q=socks%20%40fseanb#search?q=socks%20%40fseanb @fseanb
Do you #love #socks? try: http://twitter.com/search?q=socks%20%40fseanb#search?q=socks%20%40fseanb @fseanb
Answer here
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight