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Connecticut, United States

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Monday, August 16, 2010

What do you think of: ?

What do you think of: ?

Answer here

Does your company recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)?

Does your company recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)?

Answer here

What happened if formspring suddenly changed its name to Formwinter? or FormFall? or FormSummer!

What happened if formspring suddenly changed its name to Formwinter? or FormFall? or FormSummer!

Answer here

Q. Why couldn't the watermelon marry the apple? A. Cantaloupe!

Q. Why couldn't the watermelon marry the apple?A. Cantaloupe!

Answer here

Got any funny jokes ? :D

Got any funny jokes ? :D

Answer here

You enter a room on the first floor of a two story house. There is one exit to your left to the kitchen. You are in the living room. There is a table in front of you, as well as a couch and a television set. Actions?

You enter a room on the first floor of a two story house. There is one exit to your left to the kitchen. You are in the living room. There is a table in front of you, as well as a couch and a television set. Actions?

Answer here

@Authentic_Em said " A lot of people ask this Burning Question: How Do I Get Paid For My Gifts? Answer: What will your client receive? "

@Authentic_Em said " A lot of people ask this Burning Question: How Do I Get Paid For My Gifts? Answer: What will your client receive? "

Answer here

what states have you been to in the USA? if that list is too long, feel free to list the states that you haven't been to instead. :P

what states have you been to in the USA? if that list is too long, feel free to list the states that you haven't been to instead. :P

Answer here

It's #MusicMonday, what song do you love (or artist) that you would be embarrassed to tell others you listen to? we all have one or two.

It's #MusicMonday, what song do you love (or artist) that you would be embarrassed to tell others you listen to? we all have one or two.

Answer here

What part of your body are you most dissatisfied with?? why?

What part of your body are you most dissatisfied with?? why?

Answer here

sock shoe sock shoe or sock sock shoe shoe ??

sock shoe sock shoe or sock sock shoe shoe ??

Answer here

"#LOVE + #PEACE + #SOCKS = A #LIFETIME OF #HAPPYNESS" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

"#LOVE + #PEACE + #SOCKS = A #LIFETIME OF #HAPPYNESS" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

Do you have a favorite sexy movie (mainstream, not specifically porn)?

Do you have a favorite sexy movie (mainstream, not specifically porn)?

Answer here

lots of times i just use the "ask friend" button and send it to everyone, saves time. have you ever tryed it?

lots of times i just use the "ask friend" button and send it to everyone, saves time. have you ever tryed it?

Answer here

Do you believe in any superstitions?

Do you believe in any superstitions?

Answer here

Have you ever been in love? With who? When? Why?

Have you ever been in love? With who? When? Why?

Answer here

What's your favourite cartoon character?

What's your favourite cartoon character?

Answer here

Do you come from a big or small family?

Do you come from a big or small family?

Answer here

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pets?

Answer here

Have you ever been in touble with the law?

Have you ever been in touble with the law?

Answer here

What's the best question you've been asked on here?

What's the best question you've been asked on here?

Answer here

What super hero powers would you have and why?

What super hero powers would you have and why?

Answer here

How long do you spend asking and answering questions on here?

How long do you spend asking and answering questions on here?

Answer here

you're so bloody strange.

i really am not bloody at all. sorry. who are you anyhow?

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

How long do you spend asking and answering questions on here?

i never timed it. how about you? lots of times i just use the "ask friend" button and send it to everyone, saves time. have you ever tryed it?

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

What super hero powers would you have and why?

flying, see through things, super human strangth, bullet/bomb/posien proff, super smarts (intelegents). that way i could be a realy helpful super hero.

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

What's the best question you've been asked on here?

not realy sure. you ask me the most questions. have you read my answers to questions?>

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Have you ever been in touble with the law?

no :)

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Do you have any pets?

nope :(

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Do you come from a big or small family?

i have two older sisiters. i am the youngest child.

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

What's your favourite cartoon character?


PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Have you ever been in love? With who? When? Why?

Yes. my current GF.

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

What made you laugh yesterday?

What made you laugh yesterday?

Answer here

What made you laugh yesterday?

What made you laugh yesterday?

Answer here

What made you laugh yesterday?

What made you laugh yesterday?

Answer here

What made you laugh yesterday?

What made you laugh yesterday?

Answer here

What made you laugh yesterday?

What made you laugh yesterday?

Answer here

please look out your window and tell me EVERYTHNG that you see right now.

please look out your window and tell me EVERYTHNG that you see right now.

Answer here

No Sugar Tonight

No Sugar Tonight

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