Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
i hope you will answer ALL MY questions and fill up my inbox with questions. ok?
i hope you will answer ALL MY questions and fill up my inbox with questions. ok?
Answer here
what is somthing you want people to know about but no one has ever asked you on formspring? why?
what is somthing you want people to know about but no one has ever asked you on formspring? why?
Answer here
follow me please: ????
follow me please: ????
Answer here
Do you have twitter? what is the link to your profile there?
Do you have twitter? what is the link to your profile there?
Answer here
Is that realy you in your photo? when was it taken? why whom?
Is that realy you in your photo? when was it taken? why whom?
Answer here
have you ever had spegetti tacos? do you want to try them?
have you ever had spegetti tacos? do you want to try them?
Answer here
Out side of your sexual life what do you want people to know anbout you and hwy?
Out side of your sexual life what do you want people to know anbout you and hwy?
Answer here
Do you respond to EVERYTHING that come to your inbox on formspring? How Come?
Do you respond to EVERYTHING that come to your inbox on formspring? How Come?
Answer here
Will you please ask me some questions? Anything goes!
Will you please ask me some questions? Anything goes!
Answer here
How does your family feel about what you do for a living and WHY?? what is your job?
How does your family feel about what you do for a living and WHY?? what is your job?
Answer here
how many siblings do you have? males? females? ages?
how many siblings do you have? males? females? ages?
Answer here
oh Well, It can be frustrating communicating with someone who's FIRST language isn't English or when they choise to not use proper English even though they were born and rasied in the USA or UK. agree or dis agree? WHY???
oh Well, It can be frustrating communicating with someone who's FIRST language isn't English or when they choise to not use proper English even though they were born and rasied in the USA or UK. agree or dis agree? WHY???
Answer here
can u put a sexier picture up! i love you that much?
can u put a sexier picture up! i love you that much?
Answer here
How would you describe your relationship with your siblings?
How would you describe your relationship with your siblings?
Answer here
Ok I'll try this another way,would you like to give your Dad blowjob if you could?
Ok I'll try this another way,would you like to give your Dad blowjob if you could?
Answer here
How would you describe your relationship with your siblings? Why??
How would you describe your relationship with your siblings? Why??
Answer here
What do you think of the new formspring format?
What do you think of the new formspring format?
Answer here
good night everyone. talk to you later when i can. please ask me stuff when you got the time. zzZZzzZZzZzZzZZzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz....
good night everyone. talk to you later when i can. please ask me stuff when you got the time. zzZZzzZZzZzZzZZzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz....
Answer here
fseanb @DreamNetJade awsome pics: AND ! SO DAM SEXXY THERE!keep it up! i want more like that. Alright?
fseanb @DreamNetJade awsome pics: AND ! SO DAM SEXXY THERE!keep it up! i want more like that. Alright?
Answer here
Who would you recomend that I follow on formspring? why?
Who would you recomend that I follow on formspring? why?
Answer here
Who would you recomend that I follow on formspring? why?
Who would you recomend that I follow on formspring? why?
Answer here
Monday, October 11, 2010
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
Answer here
hii i is asking you a questioonzz... fave colour??
hii i is asking you a questioonzz... fave colour??
Answer here
do you think 2012 is gonna happen?
of course it is going to happen and so is 2013 and 2014 and 2011 and 2015 and so on
read this: look what they're saying about you..are they right?
seen it and of course they are 100% wrong. duh
Are you happy with your penis size since you asked about my boobs
no i am not and that is ONE reason my ex when to her exhusband
What is your opinion on plastic surgery?
if need it is fine like if you were bured or somthing. but just to change somone lookes, i dont think so
do you believe in evolution?
sure, i beleve god created what ever was first here and it evoluved from there....
Can you stop spamming me please? Sorry
i would if i could but i can not so i wont.
google "spam" to find out why.
umm yea... um ppl r saying tht ur rlly creepy an shit and they kinda want u to stop.....
make your own desition about me. do not go with what they say. follow me and find out for your self.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
have you ever been kicked out of your house?
yup, but it wasn ot my house it was my parents house. i never owned a house.
spamming in 3 min . <33333333333
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
10.wat would u do if i said i luv u?? ;) Imfao. 11.eva broken soemone's heart so badly they cried on and on???
not care becase i know how you feel about me realy and besides you just said lmfao
kk done spamming 4 now ttyl my luvs <33
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
my dentist said i need braces . err ! do u think it would be nice on me ?? or I'll look horrible ?
they dont look nice on anyone, i had them. just suck it up and get them.
you would be creeping on teenagers, you pedophile.
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
wat r u wearing? last time u went shopping? how much do u usually spand wen u go shopping :D
pink shirt underwea and socks
the other day
spamming now cuz i feel lyk it <33 but u hav 2 spam or ask bak. kk tnx
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
hey all my spammers and ppl dat spam. SPAM HER : SHE DOESNT SPAM BUT RLY WANTS SPAM THNX UR AWSOME <33
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
who do u wanna kiss,hug and hang out with rite now? i kn there must be soemone :P
debbie, but i am supper pissed off at her now
kk done spmming 4 now maybe later again ,33
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
spamming now. :Dso if u dont want spam inbox me NOW :DD but nicely. thnx ill start spamming in 5 min . <33
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
SPAM!!! wat is soemthing dat u regret?waat would u do if u got raped?do u wear make up?if ur a boy would u wear make upp 4 100$?
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
do u lyk my spam or quotes more?? :D if u tell em and either one gets more votes u will get more of it if u want :D
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
describe ur life with atleast 5 sentences. :D go ahead :
my GF is being a bitch and not wanting me and going back to her first ex husband.
i am not happy about that.
i am male.
i live alone.
i wish i could have a cat/kitty
Wow most ppl dont care wich oe i spam more :D then i guess imam spam both QUOTE:people re lyk WOW those gurls are allways TOGETHER damn rite cause were beast friends foreva <33
it is imposible to spam on formspring.
google "spam" to find out why.
do u hav a friend/s dat are bisexual,gay,lesbian?? do u hav friends dat r emo? or goth? if so name those ppl.
what is emo?
i want a friend that is bisexual and female. and i dont have any of the rest.
right, your like 30 odd&your asking like all mymates questions? weird!
it is weird that you have so many mates. why dont you just setal down with one?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Leave girls alone, you creep.
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
Hello Inbox Me With Spam
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
spam mee please (:
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
do you believe in the death penalty? why or why not?
yes. if you do something that bad you shoulsd die
why do women shave their armpits and men dont? lol
why are men alowed to be topless and women are not.
Should i Stop Spamming You
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
dude why the fugg are you creeping hardcore on evan, like are you gay or something?
i am not gay.
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
can you please stop spamming me, thaaanks (:
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
spam me please?
but remember:
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on formspring!‼!‼
Thursday, October 7, 2010
você cuida da natureza ou joga lixo na rua?
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
ja gostou de alguem q era seu melhor amigo
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Sua mãe sabe quando você não está afim de ouvir o falatório dela?
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
conta piadas?
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
Answer here
Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
Answer here
Wow. You're fucked up. Do you know how many people hate you on here? and think you're a creep?
do you know how many people on here ask me stuff and want me to ask them stuff?
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Your gf needs to get her eyes checked.
i know. she just cant afod it now and she broke her glasses be for she met me.
New Spam:DD 2DAY:Quotes: “if i knew it was going 2 hurt this much i would have never told u i love you” agree? girl:i promise.... soemday u’ll REGRET loosing me.....& u’ll think bak&say “DAMN.. dat girl really did love me...”
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
BROKEN HEART:“Tears fall forever inside a broken heart” agree? FACT:“you don’t have 2 be THIN to be dont need to be GOOD LOOKING to be PRETTY” agree or disagree?
agree: you dont have to be thin to be beautiful
disagree: you dont need to be good looking to be pretty. (how can ugly people be pretty?)
do u like being talked about ??
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
unfollow me.
no thansk.
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
spam me ppl. or ask me normal Q's i dont care just inbox moi something!!!! im so bored. kk thnx ur awsome <3333333333
Spam: To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Wow really lmao dumb fuck do you have memory lost? you said something about me being too skinney lmao when i CLEARLY didnt ask you in the first place,
that does not mean i was ever on your page.
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
You are hands down the worst human being I have come across :P
you must not come across many. not that you have ever come across me in real life and there for dont know me at all.
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Answer here
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Ever had to just sit there while your friend and their significant other had a make out session?awkward isn't it?
Answer here
How old were you when you had your first kiss
How old were you when you had your first kiss
Answer here
NO im not questioning you, NO idgaf about what you have to say, & YES it would be a waste of your time replying back, SO! don't come startin shit on my page ever again! smh dumbass douche bag.
i have never been to your page. sorry.
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
So there for we can NOT spam on fromspring!‼!‼
do u use ur formspring screename on anything else?
do u use ur formspring screename on anything else?
Answer here
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
Answer here
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
Answer here
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
Answer here
wat time do u get up on week days? wat time do u get up on weekends?
wat time do u get up on week days? wat time do u get up on weekends?
Answer here
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
Answer here
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
When was the last time you got raped by a rhino..? Lmao ahhh yes a RHINO.
When was the last time you got raped by a rhino..? Lmao ahhh yes a RHINO.
Answer here
I hate those people who wine and complane about EVERYTHING?
I hate those people who wine and complane about EVERYTHING?
Answer here
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups. :P so there for you can NOT spam on fromspring!
Spam To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups. :Pso there for you can NOT spam on fromspring!
Answer here
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
FOR THOUSE OF YOU WHO DONT HAVE A MIDDEL NAME (ONLY): what would you want your middle name to be if you could choose one? why why why?
Answer here
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
Answer here
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ your still NOT answering my questions: If you had an old RELITIVE who was deaf, old, almost blind, and could hardly stand, would you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or love it till the end? (what is that diferant if it was a PET?)
Answer here
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
Answer here
If you were to create a new religon...what would it be like? describe? why? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
If you were to create a new religon...what would it be like? describe? why? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
Answer here
Have you seen your mom naked? explain please
Have you seen your mom naked? explain please
Answer here
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪ what is your gender? do you like that fact? º ☼ ♫ Θ ♪
Answer here
If I'm a waitress, What would you like to order right now ?
If I'm a waitress, What would you like to order right now ?
Answer here
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
☺ º how tall are you? ☼ how old are you? ♫ where you from? Θ what do you do for fun? ♪ ☺
Answer here
"The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910." they oughta be the youngest couple with kids, becuase the youngest mother recorded was 5 years old when she gave birth
"The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910." they oughta be the youngest couple with kids, becuase the youngest mother recorded was 5 years old when she gave birth
Answer here
IF a dogs Bark is a sound that the dog makes then why is a trees bark not a sound too?
IF a dogs Bark is a sound that the dog makes then why is a trees bark not a sound too?
Answer here
FINISH THE SENTENCE: country music is___________? skool is____________________? work is____________________? old skool__________? converse are ____________? demi lovato is___________? eminem is________________? MJ was____________________?
FINISH THE SENTENCE: country music is___________? skool is____________________? work is____________________? old skool__________? converse are ____________? demi lovato is___________? eminem is________________? MJ was____________________?
Answer here
Who were you in high school, the jock, class clown, prep, ect..?
Who were you in high school, the jock, class clown, prep, ect..?
Answer here
ok ok: 1) how big are your boobs? ... 2) do you wish your boobs or ass were bigger? ... 3) how much $$ would it take for you to flash me? ... 4) do you like your boobs or ass more? ... 5) How come and why? ...
ok ok: 1) how big are your boobs? ... 2) do you wish your boobs or ass were bigger? ... 3) how much $$ would it take for you to flash me? ... 4) do you like your boobs or ass more? ... 5) How come and why? ...
Answer here
What is everything you are wearing right now? DEscribe them please.
What is everything you are wearing right now? DEscribe them please.
Answer here
thsi is not that gross
thsi is not that gross
Answer here
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
Answer here
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
Answer here
does anyone have a link to "2 girls 1 cup" video?
does anyone have a link to "2 girls 1 cup" video?
Answer here
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
How offten do you sleep?? fFor how long each time??? why?
Answer here
what was your embarrassing childhood nickname?
what was your embarrassing childhood nickname?
Answer here
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
good night everyone. i hope you all are nicer in the morning.
Answer here
Answer here
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
(sent to everyone) i am litteral, blunt, honest, mature and truthfull. read my bio.
Answer here
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A monkey's skull wrapped in leather and paper was used as a soccer ball in the very first World's Cup Soccer Championships in Uruguay.
A monkey's skull wrapped in leather and paper was used as a soccer ball in the very first World's Cup Soccer Championships in Uruguay.
Answer here
how old were you when you started wearing high heels?
how old were you when you started wearing high heels?
Answer here
Which of the following is true about most of your prayers: a) have been answered or b) remain unanswered?
Which of the following is true about most of your prayers: a) have been answered or b) remain unanswered?
Answer here
what is today's full date in cluding name of day?
what is today's full date in cluding name of day?
Answer here
EVEERYONE: Ok question of the day. What is your biggest turn on? answr below if brave. C'mon u can do it, it will be our little secret
EVEERYONE: Ok question of the day. What is your biggest turn on? answr below if brave. C'mon u can do it, it will be our little secret
Answer here
if you can drive a car alone then you can wear high heels. simple
if you can drive a car alone then you can wear high heels. simple
Answer here
what cute name does your significant other call you? :D
what cute name does your significant other call you? :D
Answer here
what DECADE do you wish you grew up in? (not generation)
what DECADE do you wish you grew up in? (not generation)
Answer here
It's funny because when it rains it pours. And we have enough money for wars, but not to feed the poor..
It's funny because when it rains it pours. And we have enough money for wars, but not to feed the poor..
Answer here
so you would allow your daughter to walk outta the house short skirt and heels on??
so you would allow your daughter to walk outta the house short skirt and heels on??
Answer here
have you ever peed/been peed on while being sexual with someone? would you want to?
have you ever peed/been peed on while being sexual with someone? would you want to?
Answer here
you told other ppl that i steal questions..hows that not acting like a bitch? seriously..
you told other ppl that i steal questions..hows that not acting like a bitch? seriously..
Answer here
i hate when people answer questions with "him" or "her". what do you think of it? WHY??
i hate when people answer questions with "him" or "her". what do you think of it? WHY??
Answer here
do you think its normal for men to get erections very often?
do you think its normal for men to get erections very often?
Answer here
Who doesn't walk around naked in their room?
Who doesn't walk around naked in their room?
Answer here
do you have a GF and a BF? do they know it? how does that work?
do you have a GF and a BF? do they know it? how does that work?
Answer here
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight