I'm gonna ask you some fill in the blank type of questionss / My middle name is:
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Answer here
Have you gotten your flu shot this year yet? If not, do you plan on getting it? :D
Have you gotten your flu shot this year yet? If not, do you plan on getting it? :D
Answer here
Sex questions? x) Hmm Hmm... tell me what kind of questions you want me to ask, by telling me in my inbox :D Kay?
Sex questions? x) Hmm Hmm... tell me what kind of questions you want me to ask, by telling me in my inbox :D Kay?
Answer here
have you ever liked someone who hates you? if yes did you get over it?
have you ever liked someone who hates you? if yes did you get over it?
Answer here
Do you know what it's like to be truly happy?
Do you know what it's like to be truly happy?
Answer here
You can ask me anything you want about anything. Would you tell your parents if you were having sex?
You can ask me anything you want about anything. Would you tell your parents if you were having sex?
Answer here
OMG, You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed\unisex showers only... what do you do? why?
OMG, You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed\unisex showers only... what do you do? why?
Answer here
Do you ever think that doctors, nurses, and pharmaceutical companies are suppressing and hiding cures to major diseases like diabetes and cancer?
Do you ever think that doctors, nurses, and pharmaceutical companies are suppressing and hiding cures to major diseases like diabetes and cancer?
Answer here
You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed or unisex showers what do you do?
You go to a gym and when you get done you find they have mixed or unisex showers what do you do?
Answer here
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Are you for "team Rihannah Alyssa Smith"!‼: http://www.formspring.me/makemerawrr ?
Answer here
Do you masturbate, if so, what's your technique?
Do you masturbate, if so, what's your technique?
Answer here
follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring please
follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring please
Answer here
google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
google "Rihannah Alyssa" and let me know what you find. there is a lot.
Answer here
You are in a public business and need to use the restroom and when you get to the restroom area there are two doors one says virgins and the other says all others which do you choose?
You are in a public business and need to use the restroom and when you get to the restroom area there are two doors one says virgins and the other says all others which do you choose?
Answer here
try this: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS365US366&q=Rihannah+Alyssa+Smith ?
try this: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS365US366&q=Rihannah+Alyssa+Smith ?
Answer here
what do you prefer a heat wave or a winter storm? =)
what do you prefer a heat wave or a winter storm? =)
Answer here
11. Have you ever auditioned for something? x
11. Have you ever auditioned for something? x
Answer here
7. Do you like being on boats? Do you like boat rides? x
7. Do you like being on boats? Do you like boat rides? x
Answer here
Girls: do you wear lots of makeup? Guys: do you wear lots of makeup? xDD
Girls: do you wear lots of makeup? Guys: do you wear lots of makeup? xDD
Answer here
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
"spam is the abuse of messaging systems and it involves identical messages sent to numerous people by e-mail to send unsolicited bulk messages that usually bring viruses to your computer.(: i googled spam for ya! lol(: PEOPLE, HE DOSNT SPAM YOU! DUH!"
Answer here
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring ?
will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/Formspring ?
Answer here
You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live so - Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? - What do you do with your remaining days? - Would you be afraid?
You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live so - Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? - What do you do with your remaining days? - Would you be afraid?
Answer here
http://www.formspring.me/VaJohnica769 spam him? :)) he'll spam back!! :DD
if it was a she i would take a look.
Will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/BBWGoddessAnna
Will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/BBWGoddessAnna
Answer here
can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street?
can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street?
Answer here
Who are the people in your naighbourhood, the people that you meat each day?
Who are the people in your naighbourhood, the people that you meat each day?
Answer here
Who are the people in your naighbourhood, the people that you meat each day?
Who are the people in your naighbourhood, the people that you meat each day?
Answer here
will you follow http://www.formspring.me/Shayzini she is a good talker
will you follow http://www.formspring.me/Shayzini she is a good talker
Answer here
will you follow http://www.formspring.me/Shayzini she is a good talker
will you follow http://www.formspring.me/Shayzini she is a good talker
Answer here
will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/asksarahjane
will you follow: http://www.formspring.me/asksarahjane
Answer here
cann you please stop following me or not ask me questions? i have 758 in my inbox and im pretty sure alot of it is from you, i cant find you in my followers. i didnt request to follow you so yeah.
then you got a lot of work cut out for you. you best get on to answering stuff soon.
what is your full name.. first, middle and last?
what is your full name.. first, middle and last?
Answer here
Z - aren't ZEBRAS just horses with stripes OR WHAT ARE THEY?? ╖
Z - aren't ZEBRAS just horses with stripes OR WHAT ARE THEY?? ╖
Answer here
Who do you look more like: your mom, your dad or the mailman?
Who do you look more like: your mom, your dad or the mailman?
Answer here
will you be asking me questions today? tomarrow? the next day?
will you be asking me questions today? tomarrow? the next day?
Answer here
Monday, September 27, 2010
spam me(:
i do not spam.
i answer and ask questions.
please oh please google "spam" for the truth. tell me what you leanr please.
how did you fine me?
what is the full name of squidwards enimy (the one he dose not like and it is not patcrick or spongebob)
what is the full name of squidwards enimy (the one he dose not like and it is not patcrick or spongebob)
Answer here
if you lived in bikini bottom what would you look like and what would your job be? why?
if you lived in bikini bottom what would you look like and what would your job be? why?
Answer here
what happends if somone dares you to do something and you try but fail?
what happends if somone dares you to do something and you try but fail?
Answer here
What do you wear to attract the opposite sex? ;)
What do you wear to attract the opposite sex? ;)
Answer here
I can not be bothered to Google spam for the truth... As long as I know what context people are using it in I will know how to answer correctly... :D
they use it 100% inccorect on formspring
happy birthday google haha :) www.google.com
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Heey sean , cann yuh stop spamminq mee.? Thankks (:
i do not spam!
i answer and ask questions.
please oh please google "spam" for the truth so you can realy understand what you just asked me. let me know what you learn. ok?
who wants more spam?
goole "spam" so you realy understand what you asking.
let me know what you find out.
lmao sorry to those that dont wana be spammed im spamming lmao deal with it okies =D
ask me stuff
google "spam" so you can know the truth. let me know what you learn. ok?
should i stop the what am i questions? lol
but i would like to know who are you? how did you find me?
and i woould love to say how prety you look.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
What should I say to the next female I see walking down the street?
tell her your name and ask if she is single and if she says yes then offer to take her to dinner
Friday, September 24, 2010
who in your life, has the ability to hurt you the most?
who in your life, has the ability to hurt you the most?
Answer here
Now I see why you are not good for your gf.You re so repulsive,ewww.is your gf 15?is she blind?
my GF is not blined and she is 47 years old.
nothing.. and they way i found you is cause people tell me to block you cause you steal everyones question.
so why did you wnat me to spam you then?
When was the last time that you caught lightnin' bugs?
When was the last time that you caught lightnin' bugs?
Answer here
Would you walk about the town wearing leotards?
Would you walk about the town wearing leotards?
Answer here
spam me
who are you? how did you frind me?
i do not spam.
i answer and ask questions.
please google "spam" for the truth.
Do you wear men's clothes sometimes and what was it? who did it belong to or did you buy it your self? why?
Do you wear men's clothes sometimes and what was it? who did it belong to or did you buy it your self? why?
Answer here
Safety Kit every female should have http://vbo.bz/ijQ
Safety Kit every female should have http://vbo.bz/ijQ
Answer here
do you like hats on other people? why or why not?
do you like hats on other people? why or why not?
Answer here
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for. why dont you try it now?
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for. why dont you try it now?
Answer here
Do Jellyfish make jelly by eating jelly beans? :O
Do Jellyfish make jelly by eating jelly beans? :O
Answer here
Dogs or cats?
i have had this be for.
i grew up with dogs but i want a kitty/cat...cant have pets were i live
Stop being like; http://www.formspring.me/SpammySpamSpam Don't copy her! Your a stalker and a creep. Get away.
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for.
why dont you try it now?
you should shop creeeeeeping . & stealing my friends questions.
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for.
why dont you try it now?
wats the last thing u ate?? that was mine!! stop stealing them u creep!!!!
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for.
why dont you try it now?
Dude why are you stealing other ppls Q's? Like "spammyspamspam"s??Can't you think of anything on yourself?
that is what the "ask friends" button is made for.
why dont you try it now?
heyyy dont steal peoples questions! people are saying you do! im sure you have a mind of your own buddy!
that is what the "ask friends" buttion is all about.
why dont you try it now?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
could you spamm me? lol answer seriously..
i do not spam.
i answer and ask questions.
google "spam" for the truth
TWO QUESTIONS: 1)Would you date the oposite sex version of yourself and why or why not?? 2)Would you date the same sex version of yourself and why or why not? ♥(●̮̮̃•̃)♥ ♥ (● ̮̮ •) ♥
TWO QUESTIONS: 1)Would you date the oposite sex version of yourself and why or why not?? 2)Would you date the same sex version of yourself and why or why not? ♥(●̮̮̃•̃)♥ ♥ (● ̮̮ •) ♥
Answer here
ask me more stuff daily please. why do you like asking me questions? ♥(●̮̮̃•̃) ♥
ask me more stuff daily please. why do you like asking me questions? ♥(●̮̮̃•̃) ♥
Answer here
What one thing are you exceptionally good at?
What one thing are you exceptionally good at?
Answer here
An elephant talks to a camel, he says "Yo camel, how come you got them tits on your back?" and the camel answers "Interesting question, especially coming from someone with a dick on his face".
An elephant talks to a camel, he says "Yo camel, how come you got them tits on your back?" and the camel answers "Interesting question, especially coming from someone with a dick on his face".
Answer here
Have you ever thought one of your teachers was hot? WHO. explaine please. what did they teach
Have you ever thought one of your teachers was hot? WHO. explaine please. what did they teach
Answer here
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Does anyone know the link to "2girls 1cup"? i can NOT find it on line. i can only find videos of people reactions to it. HELP!
Does anyone know the link to "2girls 1cup"? i can NOT find it on line. i can only find videos of people reactions to it. HELP!
Answer here
what do you like and dislike about life and why?
what do you like and dislike about life and why?
Answer here
do you get annoyed when people answer idk(i dont know) to most of your questions?
do you get annoyed when people answer idk(i dont know) to most of your questions?
Answer here
what do you like and dislike about life and why?
i hate having to work. i like tag sales, sleeping, tv, formspring...
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight