Ever wondered why guys don't have to shave their arm pits?
Here is where Sean will type what is on his mind when he feels like typing. He hopes you will comment so that he can comment in reply. Don't forget to come back often to see the reply's to your comments by others and maybe you too can reply to other people's comments as well. Tell your friends to come read Sean's blog posts, please. you can click the "answer" button. Enjoy and be kind.

SCROOL DOWN TO FIND THE BLOG ENTRIES(each entry is dated)...(after reading an entry, click the word comment and then add your comment to the bottom of the entry in the box. I will reply to said comment and then you need to come back later to comment on my reply so i can reply to your new comment of my reply. do this for each entry.)...
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
why do we park on a drive way and drive on the park way?
why do we park on a drive way and drive on the park way?
Answer here
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why doesn't McDonald's sell grild cheeze or peanutbuttER and jelly sandwitches?
Why doesn't McDonald's sell grild cheeze or peanutbuttER and jelly sandwitches?
Answer here
Why doesn't McDonald's sell grild cheeze or peanutbutt and jelly sandwitches?
Why doesn't McDonald's sell grild cheeze or peanutbutt and jelly sandwitches?
Answer here
whats ansonia like?
it is a small town in the valeey of connecticut. southish eastish.
TRY: http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS365US366&q=ansonia%20ct&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw AND http://www.youtube.com/irishderby OK?
~ i am board becase no one is aSking me any more questions. *YAWN* :(
~ i am board becase no one is aSking me any more questions. *YAWN* :(
Answer here
One thing your scared of that aint a phobia???
One thing your scared of that aint a phobia???
Answer here
i am board becase no one is ansking me any more questions. *YAWN* :(
i am board becase no one is ansking me any more questions. *YAWN* :(
Answer here
Follow: http://www.formspring.me/formspring anyhow. ok? so you can keep up with what is going on with fromspring.
Follow: http://www.formspring.me/formspring anyhow. ok? so you can keep up with what is going on with fromspring.
Answer here
Monday, August 30, 2010
Can you please limit asking me one or two questions a day... not 30. It's hard for me to keep up and answer all my fans questions, let alone 30 from one person. Thanks ;)
this is formspring, it was created for people to ask people questions and for other people to answer them. i want to use formspring in the way it was ment to be used. it is not my fault if you dont get on formspring offten enough.
would u go out to public the way you look right now ?
would u go out to public the way you look right now ?
Answer here
If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
Answer here
If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Answer here
Which is the best vacation you have ever been on ?
Which is the best vacation you have ever been on ?
Answer here
have u ever deleted questions after posting them, if yes why ?
have u ever deleted questions after posting them, if yes why ?
Answer here
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a penis?
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a penis?
Answer here
have u ever had an imaginary friend or still do ?
have u ever had an imaginary friend or still do ?
Answer here
If you could meet any celebrity or other personality in the world, who would it be and why?
If you could meet any celebrity or other personality in the world, who would it be and why?
Answer here
What are the flowers that you believe describe your personality and how?
What are the flowers that you believe describe your personality and how?
Answer here
do you have any permenant scars...where....how did u get them ? & how old were u when u got them ?
do you have any permenant scars...where....how did u get them ? & how old were u when u got them ?
Answer here
****Who were you with**** the last time you went to the movie theater?
****Who were you with**** the last time you went to the movie theater?
Answer here
How many sex partners have you had? Do you wish this number were larger or smaller?
How many sex partners have you had? Do you wish this number were larger or smaller?
Answer here
what's the difference between truth & facts ?
what's the difference between truth & facts ?
Answer here
Would you ever suck another girl's boobs just to see what its like?
Would you ever suck another girl's boobs just to see what its like?
Answer here
If your bestfriend and boyfriend needed you, honestly who would you choose?
If your bestfriend and boyfriend needed you, honestly who would you choose?
Answer here
how often do you remember your dreams after you wake up? what type of dreams do you usually have? have you ever had a lucid dream? if so, what happened in it? (:
how often do you remember your dreams after you wake up? what type of dreams do you usually have? have you ever had a lucid dream? if so, what happened in it? (:
Answer here
Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
Answer here
♪ If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in THE RAIN ♫, then what are you going to do about it??
♪ If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in THE RAIN ♫, then what are you going to do about it??
Answer here
What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
Answer here
Ever wasted your time on someone, who didnt appreciate it?
Ever wasted your time on someone, who didnt appreciate it?
Answer here
which do u think is easier ? being a single dad or a single mom ?....why ?
which do u think is easier ? being a single dad or a single mom ?....why ?
Answer here
Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?
Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?
Answer here
What's the best place near you to get a drink?
What's the best place near you to get a drink?
Answer here
If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be? Who's the most underrated athlete?
If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be? Who's the most underrated athlete?
Answer here
If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
Answer here
why have you not asked me any questions yet? what are you afraid of? (if you did ask me questions then keep up the good work. thank you much.)
why have you not asked me any questions yet? what are you afraid of? (if you did ask me questions then keep up the good work. thank you much.)
Answer here
Do you prefer to read fiction or nonfiction Books ?
Do you prefer to read fiction or nonfiction Books ?
Answer here
Have you ever written (or started to write) a book?
Have you ever written (or started to write) a book?
Answer here
areee yuu miless apartt fromm yuur lovee onee ? :(
areee yuu miless apartt fromm yuur lovee onee ? :(
Answer here
Girls : Do yuu feel good when a guy tells yu that yu are beautiful ? Guys : Do yuu feel good when a girl tells yu that yu are Handsome ?
Girls : Do yuu feel good when a guy tells yu that yu are beautiful ? Guys : Do yuu feel good when a girl tells yu that yu are Handsome ?
Answer here
Sunday, August 29, 2010
If You Could Only Pick 3 Dishes To Eat For The Rest Of Your Life. What Would U Choose?
If You Could Only Pick 3 Dishes To Eat For The Rest Of Your Life. What Would U Choose?
Answer here
What's the craziest thing you would do for money?
What's the craziest thing you would do for money?
Answer here
If you were invisible, could you see yourself?
If you were invisible, could you see yourself?
Answer here
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Answer here
would you move out of the country for someone you love?
would you move out of the country for someone you love?
Answer here
What smells delicious but tastes awful?
i dont remember, sorry. but i know pussy can smell bad and tastes good.
If you had to live underwater for 2 years, what would you be and why?
a killer whale because not ever one hates them and they still comand respect, unlike a shark
Do you think teenagers are more violent today then in previous generations? Why?
Do you think teenagers are more violent today then in previous generations? Why?
Answer here
what song do you want played at your funeral?
what song do you want played at your funeral?
Answer here
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
Answer here
Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
Answer here
So how would a girl go about seducing you? And what type of women do you like?
So how would a girl go about seducing you? And what type of women do you like?
Answer here
wud u like to run ur own country? what country wud it be? what wud u call it? how wud u run that country? think this over and answer.. no idk's!
wud u like to run ur own country? what country wud it be? what wud u call it? how wud u run that country? think this over and answer.. no idk's!
Answer here
One thing your scared of that aint a phobia??
One thing your scared of that aint a phobia??
Answer here
is there someone who never ceases to make you SMILE when u come in contact with them??????? i doooooooooo - who is it for u?
is there someone who never ceases to make you SMILE when u come in contact with them??????? i doooooooooo - who is it for u?
Answer here
Balls; shaved, or hairy like a lumberjack manly man?
Balls; shaved, or hairy like a lumberjack manly man?
Answer here
If you bord then log on to http://twitter.com/fseanb and also log into http://www.formspring.me/fseanb and make acounts on both sites. i hope to see you there. ok??
If you bord then log on to http://twitter.com/fseanb and also log into http://www.formspring.me/fseanb and make acounts on both sites. i hope to see you there. ok??
Answer here
Friday, August 27, 2010
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
Answer here
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
What are 5 of the biggest lies you have been told?
Answer here
Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
Play all your music on your computer or ipod/mp3/mp4/cellphone on shuffle. What are the name of the first 15 songs that play?
Answer here
Do you think teenagers are more violent today then in previous generations? Why?
yes because there is not knolege and tenology to make them more violent
If the US government banished you from the USA, where would you live?
If the US government banished you from the USA, where would you live?
Answer here
Who in your life have you learned the most from?
Who in your life have you learned the most from?
Answer here
What would you want people to know about thAt they never seem to get around and asking you????
What would you want people to know about thAt they never seem to get around and asking you????
Answer here
#ff ~ http://twitter.com/home#/list/fseanb/media ~ followFriday
#ff ~ http://twitter.com/home#/list/fseanb/media ~ followFriday
Answer here
if you could get away with doing one thing, that currently would never happen in your life, what would you wish you could get away with doing? anything at all. how come that one thing? Please, explane the one thing.
if you could get away with doing one thing, that currently would never happen in your life, what would you wish you could get away with doing? anything at all. how come that one thing? Please, explane the one thing.
Answer here
WHat do you want people to know about thet they never seem to get around and asking you? (if that makes sence)
WHat do you want people to know about thet they never seem to get around and asking you? (if that makes sence)
Answer here
If you had to pick one to live in for the rest of your life no mater where you go what would you pic: New England USA weather year round, Alaska USA weather year round -or- Arizona USA weather year round? HOW COME? PLEASE EXPLNAE ANSWER. (google each one)
If you had to pick one to live in for the rest of your life no mater where you go what would you pic: New England USA weather year round, Alaska USA weather year round -or- Arizona USA weather year round? HOW COME? PLEASE EXPLNAE ANSWER. (google each one)
Answer here
Who would win in a fight Minny Mouse or Daisy Duck? How come?
Who would win in a fight Minny Mouse or Daisy Duck? How come?
Answer here
block If you had to instantly become an expert at one style of dance to save your life, what style would you pick? how would it safe your life? how come? why? when? where? who? what? huh?
block If you had to instantly become an expert at one style of dance to save your life, what style would you pick? how would it safe your life? how come? why? when? where? who? what? huh?
Answer here
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
Answer here
Would you rather get up early or sleep late? http://4ms.me/aXXYgg
Would you rather get up early or sleep late? http://4ms.me/aXXYgg
Answer here
If you had the opportunity to go back in time for 24 hours, without any consequences, which day would you re-live?
If you had the opportunity to go back in time for 24 hours, without any consequences, which day would you re-live?
Answer here
whats 1 thing that absolutely drives u crazy? do u have a person who does that to u?
whats 1 thing that absolutely drives u crazy? do u have a person who does that to u?
Answer here
Would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Answer here
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
Answer here
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
it was easyer to use when it frist came out. the new look of it is not so fun and is not growing on anyone that has used the old verison. :( how sad.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
whats 1 thing that absolutely drives u crazy? do u have a person who does that to u?
whats 1 thing that absolutely drives u crazy? do u have a person who does that to u?
Answer here
whats 1 thing that absolutely drives u crazy? do u have a person who does that to u?
when i ask people to ask me questions and they say they will and then they do not do it.
If you had the opportunity to go back in time for 24 hours, without any consequences, which day would you re-live?
If you had the opportunity to go back in time for 24 hours, without any consequences, which day would you re-live?
Answer here
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
Answer here
Hey, would you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb/porn please?
Hey, would you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb/porn please?
Answer here
Please ask me some questions please. Alright?
Please ask me some questions please. Alright?
Answer here
What do you think of a guy who flirts with A LOT of women online and has a lot of Internet "girlfriends" but in his real life don't know many women at all?
What do you think of a guy who flirts with A LOT of women online and has a lot of Internet "girlfriends" but in his real life don't know many women at all?
Answer here
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
Answer here
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Answer here
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?
tureky meat balls and sweet potataos
If you could instantly have fluency in another language, which would you choose?
spanish so i can tell them to stop using it while in the USA and they would undrstand me.
If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?
i realy dont read all that much
How much would you be willing to pay for socks?
How much would you be willing to pay for socks?
Answer here
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Answer here
Honestly, who would realy win in a fight... The Tin Man VS. C3P0?? how come?
Honestly, who would realy win in a fight... The Tin Man VS. C3P0?? how come?
Answer here
Honestly, who would realy win in a fight... The Tin Man OR c3po?????
Honestly, who would realy win in a fight... The Tin Man OR c3po?????
Answer here
Who would win in a fight UnderDog or Mighty Mouse? how come?
Who would win in a fight UnderDog or Mighty Mouse? how come?
Answer here
Hey, would you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb/porn please?
Hey, would you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb/porn please?
Answer here
Who would win in a fight -- Darth Vader or Indiana Jones? :)
Who would win in a fight -- Darth Vader or Indiana Jones? :)
Answer here
Your trapped in a room with a child. the room has no windows or doors and only a small whole through the ceiling. The room begins to fill with water and only one of you can get out through the whole in time to live... what do you do?
Your trapped in a room with a child. the room has no windows or doors and only a small whole through the ceiling. The room begins to fill with water and only one of you can get out through the whole in time to live... what do you do?
Answer here
If you were forced to live on a secluded Island and could bring three things or choose to be with one person, in which they could help you rebuild some sort of life... which and what would you choose??
If you were forced to live on a secluded Island and could bring three things or choose to be with one person, in which they could help you rebuild some sort of life... which and what would you choose??
Answer here
Please; remember to use the "Ask Friends" button offten when you find a question you like. alright? can you do this for me?????? :)
Please; remember to use the "Ask Friends" button offten when you find a question you like. alright? can you do this for me?????? :)
Answer here
I am board, i need some quolity and well thought out questions to answer. please can you/will you help me?
I am board, i need some quolity and well thought out questions to answer. please can you/will you help me?
Answer here
Don't you just love when a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse gives you a random gift?
Don't you just love when a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse gives you a random gift?
Answer here
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
Answer here
please, quolity and well thought out questions only. please do not spam anyone. do not spam me. just ask what you want to know so i have something to answer. i am asking a lot of questions and not answering as much. HELP!
please, quolity and well thought out questions only. please do not spam anyone. do not spam me. just ask what you want to know so i have something to answer. i am asking a lot of questions and not answering as much. HELP!
Answer here
What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school?
What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school?
Answer here
what's the one thing you hate about yourself?
what's the one thing you hate about yourself?
Answer here
where did you donate #socks to? who did you donate socks to? where they happy to get socks?
where did you donate #socks to? who did you donate socks to? where they happy to get socks?
Answer here
I am board, i need some quolity and well thought out questions to answer. please can you/will you help me?
I am board, i need some quolity and well thought out questions to answer. please can you/will you help me?
Answer here
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too. http://4ms.me/9p5mPR ok?
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too. http://4ms.me/9p5mPR ok?
Answer here
@WeathersKwirl The Weather sKwirl™ asks: Do you know your atmospheric temperature? http://bit.ly/WeathersKwirl-172 #news #weather
@WeathersKwirl The Weather sKwirl™ asks: Do you know your atmospheric temperature? http://bit.ly/WeathersKwirl-172 #news #weather
Answer here
Please ask me some questions please. Alright?
Please ask me some questions please. Alright?
Answer here
Someone/anyone/everyone (this means you) ask me something/anythihng meaningful. I feel like getting my mind off. If you do, thank you! :) keep the questions flowing. good night.
Someone/anyone/everyone (this means you) ask me something/anythihng meaningful. I feel like getting my mind off. If you do, thank you! :) keep the questions flowing. good night.
Answer here
good night to you all. ZZzzzZZZzzZZzzzZZZZzzzzZzZzZZZzzzZzZzzZzzZz... i will respond to/answer anything in my inbox, so keep them coming. Alright?
good night to you all. ZZzzzZZZzzZZzzzZZZZzzzzZzZzZZZzzzZzZzzZzzZz... i will respond to/answer anything in my inbox, so keep them coming. Alright?
Answer here
How offten do you wear #socks? What #style? When do you wear them? What #color(s)? HOW COME?
How offten do you wear #socks? What #style? When do you wear them? What #color(s)? HOW COME?
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
If you could take a vacation in a place, where it would be ?
If you could take a vacation in a place, where it would be ?
Answer here
Have You ever went to jail ?
nope. i have never been to jail. i never enven visited a jail. well i did visit alcatraz in california but it was not longer workig as a jail. it was just a tour.
good morning, it is 10:11am here and I just got out of bed. please let the questions and answers flow to me. I am ready for them. thansk you. How are you sofar today? What is new? what is happening? HOW COME?
good morning, it is 10:11am here and I just got out of bed. please let the questions and answers flow to me. I am ready for them. thansk you. How are you sofar today? What is new? what is happening? HOW COME?
Answer here
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Answer here
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
Answer here
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Answer here
And now I'm asking you, Whhy do you thinking about arabs that they are dirty, Anything personal ?
And now I'm asking you, Whhy do you thinking about arabs that they are dirty, Anything personal ?
Answer here
Have You watched the u.s in the world cup ?v
Have You watched the u.s in the world cup ?v
Answer here
you realy should answer ALL questions no mater what they are. that whay you will seem polight (nice/careing).
you realy should answer ALL questions no mater what they are. that whay you will seem polight (nice/careing).
Answer here
Have You Ever Wanted To Visit Egypt Before ?
Have You Ever Wanted To Visit Egypt Before ?
Answer here
What Do You Know About The Pyramids in Egypt ?
What Do You Know About The Pyramids in Egypt ?
Answer here
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Will you please oh please ask me some questions too?
Answer here
Do you belive in the tooth fairy, sata clause, the sandman, father time, the easter bunny, God? How come?
Do you belive in the tooth fairy, sata clause, the sandman, father time, the easter bunny, God? How come?
Answer here
Bonjour: Good Morning Ca Va: How Are You Doing
Bonjour: Good MorningCa Va: How Are You Doing
Answer here
How many pairs of old socks do you have? How many pairs of new #socks do you have? how many total pairs do you want to giveaway?
How many pairs of old socks do you have? How many pairs of new #socks do you have? how many total pairs do you want to giveaway?
Answer here
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
How many questions are in your inbox right now and will you be answering them all? how come?
Answer here
Please follow this link to validate your profile. http://truetwit.com/vy40370837 Thanks
Please follow this link to validate your profile. http://truetwit.com/vy40370837 Thanks
Answer here
please describe and tell me about your old #socks? what do they look like? how old are they? why dont you want them? etc etc
please describe and tell me about your old #socks? what do they look like? how old are they? why dont you want them? etc etc
Answer here
did you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb yet?
did you follow: http://twitter.com/fseanb yet?
Answer here
i only ask things i would love to know the answer to. Do you read all my answers?
i only ask things i would love to know the answer to. Do you read all my answers?
Answer here
what holidays do you celibrate and why? how come? what for? when?
what holidays do you celibrate and why? how come? what for? when?
Answer here
What do you think are the 5 most important inventions of the last 100 years?
What do you think are the 5 most important inventions of the last 100 years?
Answer here
how many push ups can u do till u cave of exhaustion?
how many push ups can u do till u cave of exhaustion?
Answer here
if all of a sudden ALL ur FS contacts left .. and u cud only have 3 left.. which 3 wud YOU pick ???
if all of a sudden ALL ur FS contacts left .. and u cud only have 3 left.. which 3 wud YOU pick ???
Answer here
What is the meaning of "ya3ny eih "Asap" yyaah il page 3indy itmalet kulu mn 2l agwibah taba3ak ur soo peautiful"?????
What is the meaning of "ya3ny eih "Asap" yyaah il page 3indy itmalet kulu mn 2l agwibah taba3ak ur soo peautiful"?????
Answer here
What is the meaning of "3ashan 2ahly dool b yedriboony law shafoony 3ala 2l msn da baba mraqeb 2l 2aghiza yalli 3indana"???
What is the meaning of "3ashan 2ahly dool b yedriboony law shafoony 3ala 2l msn da baba mraqeb 2l 2aghiza yalli 3indana"???
Answer here
Monday, August 23, 2010
hey everyone, i will respond to anything you put inmy inbox... i am a great formspring user like that. have a nice day :) i hope to hear from you soon. thansk.
hey everyone, i will respond to anything you put inmy inbox... i am a great formspring user like that. have a nice day :) i hope to hear from you soon. thansk.
Answer here
why are you not answerng my questions anymore?
why are you not answerng my questions anymore?
Answer here
Lol, I'm Student And I'm Living With My Parents Who Works There. And I Don't Think That Traveling For A Good Work Is A Bad Idea, Even If You're Loyal To The Royal
you would be wrong then if that is what you realy think.
Lol, Then Do You Think That I Must Go To The USA And Get A Citizenship And Forget About My Origin, Sorry I'm To Loyal To My Country And My Religion Too.
yes i do. if you did then you would be smart!
Then I'm Egyptian And I Speak Arabic, And I Also Speak Your Language, Even If It's Not That Good But Still I Do. I Think I'm Smarter Than You :)
you would think wrong then. if you were that smart you would stop speaking ariabic and move to the USA and become a catholic american. duh
I Can Speak Your Language You Can Speak Mine ?
I am American and I speek english... so why would I want to speak your language?
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct??? http://4ms.me/bD9GEI
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct??? http://4ms.me/bD9GEI
Answer here
Then You're Mr.Perfect And I Think I Need To Learn Some English, Because I Fail In Speaking English :(
i am not perfect. and yes you realy do.
Ok Good Job Then... And I Ain't American And English Is My Second Language And i Dont Think That My Grammar Is That Bad..
well it is not that good either. i know my spelling might not be the best but my gramer is never incorrect.
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Did you know that for an American, my English GRAMMER is 100% correct???
Answer here
Just Start Asking Questions, But not Private One And Dont Repeat Any
i have been asking questions! i dont do privet anything on formspring! if i feel like repeating then i will and i will expect you to answer everything!
You Telling Me, Your Not An American And You Need How To Speak Well, Right ?
nope i never said THAT. i am 100% American.
"how did i know what you wont answer if i dont ask?" Sorry But if You Commenting On My Grammar Just Check Yours ..
i was not commenting on your grammer. i was asking a real question. duh
You're Too Curious And Stop Posting Me Questions That I Won't Answer..
how did i know what you wont answer if i dont ask?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
Answer here
i did not ask how everything is going. i asked "What's happening"
i did not ask how everything is going. i asked "What's happening"
Answer here
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
repeated or not, you should be responding to EVERYthing that comes in to your inbox. i know that i do. understand?
Answer here
would you please oh please respond to anything that comes to your inbox? thansk
would you please oh please respond to anything that comes to your inbox? thansk
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?
Answer here
please try: http://twitter.com/#replies what do you think of it?
please try: http://twitter.com/#replies what do you think of it?
Answer here
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
Answer here
Why do you want to put your finger in somones ass?
Why do you want to put your finger in somones ass?
Answer here
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too.
Please, Please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low income and homless need #socks too.
Answer here
If you could have any 3 super powers, What would they be? Why those powers? What would you do with them? Would you be Evil or Hero? How come?
If you could have any 3 super powers, What would they be? Why those powers? What would you do with them? Would you be Evil or Hero? How come?
Answer here
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
, how many questions are in your inbox right now? :)
Answer here
when was the last time you gave a random person (not a good frien or a family member) a big long hug? who was it? where? when? why? if not, will you do it sometime? will you do it again? how come? :) *hugs*
when was the last time you gave a random person (not a good frien or a family member) a big long hug? who was it? where? when? why? if not, will you do it sometime? will you do it again? how come? :) *hugs*
Answer here
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Answer here
please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low icome and homless need #socks too.
please, donate new #socks to food pantrie/"food panty", low icome and homless need #socks too.
Answer here
Haters , listen up just keep on hating but yo.. If u feel something in ur ASS , trust me ! It s nt the logo of ur boxers ! ITS MY DAMN Middle FINGER!!!!!! It's The Status of One Of My Friends, Do You Like It ?
why would you want to put your finter in somones ass?
hi sorry but i'm grounded for few days and not allowed to use my comp...... so i'll write you later
WHat did you do to get grownded?
How many years did you have uncomfortable vaginal sex?
How many years did you have uncomfortable vaginal sex?
Answer here
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
(supposed* you're* immature*) and, i need a life? i'm not the person who seems to spend their whole day on the internet.
that makes 2 of us. i dont spend my whole day on the internet eaither. you never ask me any questions!
Are you a fan of socks? Do you wear it everyday?
Are you a fan of socks? Do you wear it everyday?
Answer here
Can you ask me some questions about my peronal life/family/myself/friends/home etc?
Can you ask me some questions about my peronal life/family/myself/friends/home etc?
Answer here
If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?
If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?
Answer here
If you were to write a story, what would it be about?
If you were to write a story, what would it be about?
Answer here
How many people are around you right now? =D
How many people are around you right now? =D
Answer here
do you think steven slater is the best flight attendant ever?
do you think steven slater is the best flight attendant ever?
Answer here
i am unfollowing you, you fill up my homepage and your answers aren't that interesting.
then why are you even on this site. i am only using it the way it is supost to be used and i only answer questions in a truthful way. so if the truth is not interesting to you then you need to get a life. sorry your so imature.
Can you ask me some questions about my peronal life/family/myself/friends/home etc?
yes i CAN. will you do the same?
were do you get all theses questions from?, man you must be busy
were do you get all theses questions from?, man you must be busy
Answer here
How many countries have you travelled to?
i have been to the netherlands, irerland, england, panama canal, costa rica, usa,
Can I ask you more questions tomorrow? I'm kinda sleepy right now;D
ask me questions everyday when you have time and are in the mood. you need not ask if you can ask me questions.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
What's your favorite non-alcaholic drink? how come?
What's your favorite non-alcaholic drink? how come?
Answer here
i don't have time to ask questions right now, but tomorrow I will, is that ok? all tho, u got 2 others from me! :)
i don't have time to ask questions right now, but tomorrow I will, is that ok? all tho, u got 2 others from me! :)
Answer here
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
Answer here
When was the last time you received flowers?
When was the last time you received flowers?
Answer here
What was the worst advice you've ever received?
What was the worst advice you've ever received?
Answer here
If you could meet anyone for dinner tonight, who would it be?
If you could meet anyone for dinner tonight, who would it be?
Answer here
how often do your boobs interfere with day to day activities
how often do your boobs interfere with day to day activities
Answer here
who do you live with? why? how come? do you want to? why or why not?
who do you live with? why? how come? do you want to? why or why not?
Answer here
ok well, What have you never ever been asked but you want people to know about? (this can be about anything at all, dose not have to be about your self.)
ok well, What have you never ever been asked but you want people to know about? (this can be about anything at all, dose not have to be about your self.)
Answer here
Do you like asking questions?WHY?
yes. that is why i am on formspring. it is fun. it is a god way to learn about other poeple and things.
Are you a fan of socks? Do you wear it everyday?
i wear socks when i am not in swhower or swimming. when i swimm i have swim shoes,.
What kind of music do you like?
i love oldies (50's 60's, 70's, 80's) but i like some new stuff too. hey sole sister!
How do you spend free time?
formsping, twitter, sleeping, watching tv, tag sales (garage sales), fairs, sex with my GF, sepnding time with my GF.
How tall are you in centimetres?
i do not know centimetres, i am american. :)
I am 5feet 7.5inches tall.
What's the way to get more questions from other people? I really like answering too!;D
ask people to ask you questions like i did with you,.
Can you ask me some questions again?
i will be asking you more questions when i am on line. dont worry be happy. keep your questions coming to me too,.
How to Brew Hot Tea - http://the.republicoftea.com/library/tea-101/how-to-brew-hot-tea/ ~ #HotTea ~ #tea ~ #howto
How to Brew Hot Tea - http://the.republicoftea.com/library/tea-101/how-to-brew-hot-tea/ ~ #HotTea ~ #tea ~ #howto
Answer here
"All the good that belongs 2 me comes 2 me constantly & instantly only if i wear #socks!"
"All the good that belongs 2 me comes 2 me constantly & instantly only if i wear #socks!"
Answer here
What is the link to your profile on http://www.twitter.com ?
What is the link to your profile on http://www.twitter.com ?
Answer here
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What is a "pensioner"?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Population aged at least 65 years in 2005In common parlance, a pensioner is a person who has retired, and now collects a pension. This is a term typically used in the United Kingdom and Australia where someone of pensionable age may also be referred to as an 'old age pensioner', or OAP. In the United States, the term retiree is more common. In many countries, increasing life expectancy has led to an expansion of the numbers of pensioners, and they are a growing political force.
What is a "pensioner"?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Population aged at least 65 years in 2005In common parlance, a pensioner is a person who has retired, and now collects a pension. This is a term typically used in the United Kingdom and Australia where someone of pensionable age may also be referred to as an 'old age pensioner', or OAP. In the United States, the term retiree is more common. In many countries, increasing life expectancy has led to an expansion of the numbers of pensioners, and they are a growing political force.
What is a "pensioner"?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Population aged at least 65 years in 2005In common parlance, a pensioner is a person who has retired, and now collects a pension. This is a term typically used in the United Kingdom and Australia where someone of pensionable age may also be referred to as an 'old age pensioner', or OAP. In the United States, the term retiree is more common. In many countries, increasing life expectancy has led to an expansion of the numbers of pensioners, and they are a growing political force.
Answer here
What is the one thing that can make you feel better when you're having a bad day?
What is the one thing that can make you feel better when you're having a bad day?
Answer here
Do you answer ALL questions asked of you on fromspring?
Do you answer ALL questions asked of you on fromspring?
Answer here
Where are you from? .. How old are you? .. Your religion? ..
Where are you from? .. How old are you? .. Your religion? ..
Answer here
Have you ever felt joy in someone elses pain?
Have you ever felt joy in someone elses pain?
Answer here
Have you ever had a crush on someone who you really shouldnt? Like someone a lot older?
Have you ever had a crush on someone who you really shouldnt? Like someone a lot older?
Answer here
Not trying to sound stalkerish or anything, but how much do u weigh?
Not trying to sound stalkerish or anything, but how much do u weigh?
Answer here
what states have you been to in the USA? if that list is too long, feel free to list the states that you haven't been to instead. :P
what states have you been to in the USA? if that list is too long, feel free to list the states that you haven't been to instead. :P
Answer here
Answer here
do you think phone cases are cool or unnecessary
do you think phone cases are cool or unnecessary
Answer here
is there a skill/ability you'd like to learn someday?
is there a skill/ability you'd like to learn someday?
Answer here
<?php $love = "formspring.me"; echo "I love "$love; ?> do you like that :) ?
do you like that :) ?
Answer here
Answer here
Have you ever felt joy in someone elses pain?
Have you ever felt joy in someone elses pain?
Answer here
@Authentic_Em "Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly with #socks on your feet." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb
@Authentic_Em "Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly with #socks on your feet." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb
Answer here
@Authentic_Em "Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly with @socks on your feet." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb
@Authentic_Em "Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly with @socks on your feet." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb
Answer here
I am looking for some good #questions. Do you have any? If yes, what are your good questions?
I am looking for some good #questions. Do you have any? If yes, what are your good questions?
Answer here
How did you find me out of all formspring users? lol
How did you find me out of all formspring users? lol
Answer here
How did you find me out of all formspring users? lol
you must have asked or answerd a question to somone i am following. i dont remember. do you mind that i found you?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What kind of updates is formspring going to experence next?
What kind of updates is formspring going to experence next?
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
And if that one dont work then----http://i33.tinypic.com/29xusuf.jpg
And if that one dont work then----http://i33.tinypic.com/29xusuf.jpg
Answer here
Answer here
If you could wish for something that didn't apply to you (It helped other people) What Would you wish for?
If you could wish for something that didn't apply to you (It helped other people) What Would you wish for?
Answer here
Answer here
Answer here
What should you be for Halloween this year? why?
What should you be for Halloween this year? why?
Answer here
Does your company/job/school recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)? how? what?
Does your company/job/school recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)? how? what?
Answer here
If you could meet anyone for dinner tonight, who would it be?
If you could meet anyone for dinner tonight, who would it be?
Answer here
What should you be for Halloween this year? why?
What should you be for Halloween this year? why?
Answer here
I am looking for some good #questions. Do you have any? If yes, what are your good questions?
I am looking for some good #questions. Do you have any? If yes, what are your good questions?
Answer here
stop askinq me qquestion
WELL, If you do not want to be asked questions then why are you on a site that is deadicated to having people ask and answer questions???
What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?
What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?
Answer here
Does your company recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)?
Does your company recycle anything (paper, inkjets, old machines, est.)?
Answer here
You enter a room on the first floor of a two story house. There is one exit to your left to the kitchen. You are in the living room. There is a table in front of you, as well as a couch and a television set. Actions?
You enter a room on the first floor of a two story house. There is one exit to your left to the kitchen. You are in the living room. There is a table in front of you, as well as a couch and a television set. Actions?
Answer here
lots of times i just use the "ask friend" button and send it to everyone, saves time. have you ever tryed it?
lots of times i just use the "ask friend" button and send it to everyone, saves time. have you ever tryed it?
Answer here
No Sugar Tonight
No Sugar Tonight
- No Sugar Tonight