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Connecticut, United States

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Do you know about these awesome Twitter Goodies?

Do you know about these awesome Twitter Goodies?

Answer here

Follow: for more questions to answer...

Follow: for more questions to answer...

Answer here

@fseanb RT: @Authentic_Em @fseanb love your questions Sean!

@fseanb RT: @Authentic_Em @fseanb love your questions Sean!

Answer here

i think formspring is perposly not answer my questions. i have not gotten a n answer from anyone in altest a week and probably longer. THIS IS NOT FIAR. I ASK GOOD QUESTIONS. I DONT SAY "hi"

i think formspring is perposly not answer my questions. i have not gotten a n answer from anyone in altest a week and probably longer. THIS IS NOT FIAR. I ASK GOOD QUESTIONS. I DONT SAY "hi"

Answer here

27. What do you think would happen if the internet network was to shut down for an entire week?

27. What do you think would happen if the internet network was to shut down for an entire week?

Answer here

If you saw Tony Hawk walking around would you expect him to start skateboarding over random everyday items?

If you saw Tony Hawk walking around would you expect him to start skateboarding over random everyday items?

Answer here

Friday, July 30, 2010

"There's a difference between being #confident and not wearing #socks" (can't have both) -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

"There's a difference between being #confident and not wearing #socks" (can't have both) -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

Random Act of #Kindness: #Buy somone a #pair of #socks that you don't usaly buy anything for. Wrap them up before #giving. @fseanb

Random Act of #Kindness: #Buy somone a #pair of #socks that you don't usaly buy anything for. Wrap them up before #giving. @fseanb

Answer here

I wish i could sit at a computer all day answering questions on formpring and get paid for it. too bad i live inconnecticut. just my luck :(

I wish i could sit at a computer all day answering questions on formpring and get paid for it. too bad i live inconnecticut. just my luck :(

Answer here

Out side of your working life... What kind of person are you realy? likes/dislike? hobbies? favorets? wants? needs? ect..?

Out side of your working life... What kind of person are you realy? likes/dislike? hobbies? favorets? wants? needs? ect..?

Answer here

are you getting my questions? if yes, then why are you not answering them anymore?

are you getting my questions? if yes, then why are you not answering them anymore?

Answer here

What is one thing that always makes you laugh when you think about it?

What is one thing that always makes you laugh when you think about it?

Answer here

How often do you miss living dorm style and for that fact miss your alma mater?

How often do you miss living dorm style and for that fact miss your alma mater?

Answer here

If "scrotumier" was actually a word in Merriam-Webster's English dictionary, what would it's exact definition be?

If "scrotumier" was actually a word in Merriam-Webster's English dictionary, what would it's exact definition be?

Answer here

What is the strangest thing you have ever seen someone carry onto a public transportation vehicle

What is the strangest thing you have ever seen someone carry onto a public transportation vehicle

Answer here

Thursday, July 29, 2010

DID YOU KNOW THAT "Sometimes ur #Socks r the source of ur #smile, while ur #Socks can be the source of ur #joy." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ????

DID YOU KNOW THAT "Sometimes ur #Socks r the source of ur #smile, while ur #Socks can be the source of ur #joy." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ????

Answer here

What would you do if your BF/GF called and said they were in jail? Breakup or bail out>> ???

What would you do if your BF/GF called and said they were in jail? Breakup or bail out>> ???

Answer here

IF you could be any superhero (already created or make one up of your own), [1] who would you be and [2] what power(s) would you have? [3] What would you do with thoes powers and [4] why? [5] Male or Female? [6] How would you dress? [7] How come?

IF you could be any superhero (already created or make one up of your own), [1] who would you be and [2] what power(s) would you have? [3] What would you do with thoes powers and [4] why? [5] Male or Female? [6] How would you dress? [7] How come?

Answer here

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's happening?

What's happening?

Answer here

are you on yet? why or why not?

are you on yet? why or why not?

Answer here

What is your idea of good Burlesque? why? ?

What is your idea of good Burlesque? why? ?

Answer here

check out: please. what do you think? why?

check out: please. what do you think? why?

Answer here

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

Answer here

What are your favorite TV shows?

What are your favorite TV shows?

Answer here

What is one thing you have always wanted to do but haven't got around to trying it yet?

What is one thing you have always wanted to do but haven't got around to trying it yet?

Answer here

how are you

how are you

Answer here

do you have any favorite stand up comedians? Who? Why?

do you have any favorite stand up comedians? Who? Why?

Answer here

" Rabbit Season or Duck Season? ^ ^

" Rabbit Season or Duck Season? ^ ^

Answer here

have you ever had sex with a shemale

have you ever had sex with a shemale

Answer here

Have you sucked a cock?

Have you sucked a cock?

Answer here

What were you most scared of as a little kid?

What were you most scared of as a little kid?

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? what do you think of it & why? @socks @school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? what do you think of it & why? @socks @school

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet?? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet?? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

Answer here

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

WELL, Have you #seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why? #socks #school

Answer here

WELL, Have you seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why?

WELL, Have you seen: yet? What do you think of it and Why?

Answer here

What is your idea of good Burlesque? why?

What is your idea of good Burlesque? why?

Answer here

have you seen this hottie: ?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

will you be asking ME any question soon?

will you be asking ME any question soon?

Answer here

Will you be answering all the questions in your in box? how come?

Will you be answering all the questions in your in box? how come?

Answer here

What colour bra are you wearing right now? :) if you do not have one on then what color was the last bra you wore? why?

What colour bra are you wearing right now? :) if you do not have one on then what color was the last bra you wore? why?

Answer here

"There is room for #Socks in #spirituality, and #business!" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

"There is room for #Socks in #spirituality, and #business!" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"All #socks FEEL beautiful for the person who carries #happiness within." -sean beckerer @fseanb

"All #socks FEEL beautiful for the person who carries #happiness within." -sean beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

"#Socks appeal is 50% how well they feel on you and 50% how people see them on you." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

"#Socks appeal is 50% how well they feel on you and 50% how people see them on you." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb

Answer here

@formspring if a human is always using the formspring account on then how come my Q's there never get answered??

@formspring if a human is always using the formspring account on then how come my Q's there never get answered??

Answer here

What is your favorite quote? i.e. from a movie, song, writer, etc.

What is your favorite quote? i.e. from a movie, song, writer, etc.

Answer here

how many questions do you have in your inbox?

how many questions do you have in your inbox?

Answer here

How about a greeN backGround with a happy :) for a (like) button and a red backGround with a SAD :( for a (hate) button on formspring? why or why not?

How about a greeN backGround with a happy :) for a (like) button and a red backGround with a SAD :( for a (hate) button on formspring?why or why not?

Answer here

'Jane Austen's Fight Club' Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

'Jane Austen's Fight Club' Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

Answer here

'Jane Austen's Fight Club' Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

'Jane Austen's Fight Club' Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

Answer here

Jane Austen's Fight Club Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

Jane Austen's Fight Club Will Be Awesome! [see video] - Holy Kaw!

Answer here

Well, I know u are behind on and you need to catch up by answering my questions, PLEASE. ok?

Well, I know u are behind on and you need to catch up by answering my questions, PLEASE. ok?

Answer here

On average, what time do you go to bed? why?

On average, what time do you go to bed? why?

Answer here

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

Answer here

What's your earliest memory?

What's your earliest memory?

Answer here

What was the best job you've ever had?

What was the best job you've ever had?

Answer here

What was the best job you've ever had?

Dry Cleaner

Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?

If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?

Answer here

What's your earliest memory?

yesterday afternoon

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?


Ask me anything, anything at all...

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything, anything at all...



Answer here

If you were a #pair of #socks, what would you look like? #why?<-----Why would you look tlike those socks

If you were a #pair of #socks, what would you look like? #why?<-----Why would you look tlike those socks

Answer here



Answer here

What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?

What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?

Answer here

DO YOU LIKE THINGS FOR #FREE?... Personalized #Pens | #Promotional Products | <--- TODAY

DO YOU LIKE THINGS FOR #FREE?... Personalized #Pens | #Promotional Products | <--- TODAY

Answer here

Monday, July 26, 2010

If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?

If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?

Answer here

If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?

If you were a pair of socks, what would you look like? why?

Answer here

If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your out fit look like?

If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your out fit look like?

Answer here

If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your talent be?

If you *had* to perform in a talent competition, what would your talent be?

Answer here

What is sumthing dumb u seen people fight about or over? Or have u ever been in a fight that was over sumthing dumb?

What is sumthing dumb u seen people fight about or over? Or have u ever been in a fight that was over sumthing dumb?

Answer here

What do you do when you're all alone with no appointments, nowhere to be, nothing to do -- if you have a whole night to yourself, how do you spend your time?

What do you do when you're all alone with no appointments, nowhere to be, nothing to do -- if you have a whole night to yourself, how do you spend your time?

Answer here

If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?

If you were an ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be, beautiful?

Answer here

What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?

What's your favorite thing about kissing girls?

Answer here

What colour bra are you wearing right now? :)

What colour bra are you wearing right now? :)

Answer here

Who are ur favorite Burlesque performerrz? Have you been 2 any live Burlesque shows? Who did u see?

Who are ur favorite Burlesque performerrz? Have you been 2 any live Burlesque shows? Who did u see?

Answer here

What is "Amelie"??

What is "Amelie"??

Answer here

follow: for more questions to answer

follow: for more questions to answer

Answer here

@Disability411 Happy 20th #Anniversary #ADA! #ADA20

@Disability411 Happy 20th #Anniversary #ADA! #ADA20

Answer here

On the 20th anniversary of the ADA, see how people with disabilities are earning jobs with some help from Goodwill: #ADA20

On the 20th anniversary of the ADA, see how people with disabilities are earning jobs with some help from Goodwill: #ADA20

Answer here

What did you wear today? details please.

What did you wear today? details please.

Answer here

What's happening???

What's happening???

Answer here

What's happeningRSS Feed

What's happeningRSS Feed

Answer here

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

All women should be bisexual!

All women should be bisexual!

Answer here

All women should be bisexual!

All women should be bisexual!

Answer here

If you could only live with 2 ppl for the rest of your life (not including famly) who would u pick?

If you could only live with 2 ppl for the rest of your life (not including famly) who would u pick?

Answer here

What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, PORN, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?

What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, PORN, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?

Answer here

if you know any good home health aide jobs in connecticut USA, let me know. If you know any good ones, pass them on!

if you know any good home health aide jobs in connecticut USA, let me know. If you know any good ones, pass them on!

Answer here

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Have you ever lost all your clothes playing strip poker? If yes, what did you do to get them back? Details please.

Have you ever lost all your clothes playing strip poker? If yes, what did you do to get them back? Details please.

Answer here

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

Answer here

r u really proud of this life youve chosen for yourself

r u really proud of this life youve chosen for yourself

Answer here

What's the last really important thing you lost (and did you find it)?

What's the last really important thing you lost (and did you find it)?

Answer here

how would you like to be remembered?

how would you like to be remembered?

Answer here

Who is the first person you'd call if you should ever run into a triple rainbow?

Who is the first person you'd call if you should ever run into a triple rainbow?

Answer here

YouTube - Community - "La Biblioteca" - Abed and Troy Rap what do you think?

YouTube - Community - "La Biblioteca" - Abed and Troy Rap what do you think?

Answer here

Would you describe your personality as jaunty?

Would you describe your personality as jaunty?

Answer here

Is there a film or an episode of a television show that makes you laugh, no matter how many times you see it, and if so, what is it?

Is there a film or an episode of a television show that makes you laugh, no matter how many times you see it, and if so, what is it?

Answer here

What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, porn, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?

What are your top 3 favorite movies in categories? {Comedy, Horror, Drama, Children's, porn, musicals, documentary, cartoon, mini-seris(how ever you spell it), made for tv moves, ect, ect, ect.] why?

Answer here

What are your top three favorite movies?

What are your top three favorite movies?

Answer here

What is one thing you have always wanted to do but haven't got around to trying it yet?

What is one thing you have always wanted to do but haven't got around to trying it yet?

Answer here

What plant life, if any, would be in your dream garden?

What plant life, if any, would be in your dream garden?

Answer here

who r u

who r u

Answer here

Who ya gonna call?

Who ya gonna call?

Answer here

What are your top 3 most ticklish spots?

What are your top 3 most ticklish spots?

Answer here

Have you seen: #Support : #Feature #Requests: Yet?

Have you seen: #Support : #Feature #Requests: Yet?

Answer here

any ideas for ??

any ideas for ??

Answer here

Hello ! How are you?

Hello ! How are you?

Answer here

WHen will you go and use ? why?

WHen will you go and use ? why?

Answer here

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What was the last book you read?

What was the last book you read?

Answer here

where is the craziest place you've had sex in public?

where is the craziest place you've had sex in public?

Answer here

What's your passion and how do you embrace the authentic you?

What's your passion and how do you embrace the authentic you?

Answer here

what is the use of this thing?

what is the use of this thing?

Answer here

Do you follow any people?

Do you follow any people?

Answer here

Can I get a *woot woot

Can I get a *woot woot

Answer here

Would you rather get up early or sleep late?

Would you rather get up early or sleep late?

Answer here

What would be the best workplace perk?

What would be the best workplace perk?

Answer here

Sneakers or sandals?

Sneakers or sandals?

Answer here

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? why that person?

Answer here

What would be the best workplace perk?

direct deposit

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What would be the best workplace perk?

I already answed this: 110% pay raise with one day off with pay per week on top of any days i already get off.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Are you a morning or night person?

night (again)

Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it?

"The Money Pit" I can NOT aford the gift tax on a yacht!

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Sneakers or sandals?

Sneekers with socks! 98% of all humans have ugly feet.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

Answer here

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

Answer here

are u sleeping?

are u sleeping?

Answer here

why did Formspring cross the road?

why did Formspring cross the road?

Answer here

What's your favorite season of the year?

What's your favorite season of the year?

Answer here

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If you could replace the star of any movie, who and in which movie would it be? Why?

If you could replace the star of any movie, who and in which movie would it be? Why?

Answer here

Do you have any personality disorders?

Do you have any personality disorders?

Answer here

In your dream kitchen would you rather have a beer tap or a slurpee machine?

In your dream kitchen would you rather have a beer tap or a slurpee machine?

Answer here

why did Formspring cross the road?

why did Formspring cross the road?

Answer here

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

Answer here

What's happening?

What's happening?

Answer here

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

my mother

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Hey soul sister aint that Mr. Mister on the radio? stereo?

Hey soul sister aint that Mr. Mister on the radio? stereo?

Answer here

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

spanish so i could tell people to stop using in in america and they would understand me

Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

albert einstine
to a resteruant

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What would be the best thing about being a vampire?

not having to die of old age

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Cats or Dogs?

as pet: cat
but i dont hate dogs they are just to much work.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?


Ask me anything, anything at all...

What would be the best workplace perk?

110% raise and an day off a week with pay on top of what ever days i already get off..

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Who's the most overrated athlete?

labron james!

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What's your favorite genre of music?

oldies (50's,60's 70's and 80's)

Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you could have a super power, what would it be?


Ask me anything, anything at all...

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

a clothing store

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything, anything at all...

Who's the most underrated musician?

Ralph Cover ( )

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Who and when was your first kiss?

Who was my first kiss... that dose not make sence. who did i first kiss... makes better sence.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

2 weeks

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

john cuzac (i dont know if i spelled it right)

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

Answer here

Answer here

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

Answer here

do u think this girl is hot??

do u think this girl is hot??

Answer here

@RachaelRayShow says "Our 'sex-pert' gives you 3 things to do #today that can give you more #pleasure in #bed! "

@RachaelRayShow says "Our 'sex-pert' gives you 3 things to do #today that can give you more #pleasure in #bed! "

Answer here

What are your biggest pet peeves?

What are your biggest pet peeves?

Answer here

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Answer here

follow: if u like weather and if u like Health NEWS. ok?

follow: if u like weather and if u like Health NEWS. ok?

Answer here

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do you like sports? please follow: ok?

Do you like sports? please follow: ok?

Answer here

What is the best time you've had this year so far?

What is the best time you've had this year so far?

Answer here

Who's the sexiest robot alive?

Who's the sexiest robot alive?

Answer here

formspring @fseanb Hi Sean! We get a TON of questions from our users, and we try to answer questions from users who've never had an answer before.

formspring @fseanb Hi Sean! We get a TON of questions from our users, and we try to answer questions from users who've never had an answer before.

Answer here

Are you a girl? :p

Are you a girl? :p

Answer here

What's your least favorite color?

What's your least favorite color?

Answer here

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what are they?

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what are they?

Answer here

If you could have one wish ; what would that wish be?

If you could have one wish ; what would that wish be?

Answer here

Do you have a pet?

Do you have a pet?

Answer here

Least favorite piece of clothing you own D:

Least favorite piece of clothing you own D:

Answer here

Favorite piece of clothing you own?

Favorite piece of clothing you own?

Answer here



Answer here

Do you have stuffed animals? x]

Do you have stuffed animals? x]

Answer here

If you do write ; poety or stories or both?

If you do write ; poety or stories or both?

Answer here

If you do write ; poety or stories or both?

If you do write ; poety or stories or both?

Answer here

Do you write?

Do you write?

Answer here

D0N't y0u l0v3 it wh3n p30pl3 typ3 lik3 thi$?!

D0N't y0u l0v3 it wh3n p30pl3 typ3 lik3 thi$?!

Answer here

Favorite TYPE of music?

Favorite TYPE of music?

Answer here

If you could have one wish ; what would that wish be?

If you could have one wish ; what would that wish be?

Answer here

Pink or black?

Pink or black?

Answer here

TV or computer?

TV or computer?

Answer here

Favorite color?

Favorite color?

Answer here



Answer here

To what lengths would you go to obtain a llama?

To what lengths would you go to obtain a llama?

Answer here

Favorite past time ?

Favorite past time ?

Answer here

Where on Earth IS Carmen Sandiego?

Where on Earth IS Carmen Sandiego?

Answer here

Won't you take me to Funky Town?

Won't you take me to Funky Town?

Answer here

Hamburger or hot dog

Hamburger or hot dog

Answer here

Favorite song?

Favorite song?

Answer here

Have you ever posted pictures of yourself naked on the internet before?

Have you ever posted pictures of yourself naked on the internet before?

Answer here

I'm the #Hippie #Duck! What's Your Inner Duck? Take the short quiz and find out!

I'm the #Hippie #Duck! What's Your Inner Duck? Take the short quiz and find out!

Answer here

Where'd you find out about

Where'd you find out about

Answer here

I'm the #Hippie #Duck! What's Your Inner Duck? Take the short quiz and find out!

I'm the #Hippie #Duck! What's Your Inner Duck? Take the short quiz and find out!

Answer here



Answer here

Where is the "let us ask you a few questions" button located???

Where is the "let us ask you a few questions" button located???

Answer here

do u like family force 5

what is "family force 5"? i never heard of that.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

PLEASE #follow if you like #news and or #sports and or #travel ideas - it is all #FREE. (RT me)

PLEASE #follow if you like #news and or #sports and or #travel ideas - it is all #FREE. (RT me)

Answer here

How come you do not answer ALL the questions asked of you? why?

How come you do not answer ALL the questions asked of you? why?

Answer here

What was the last question you ASKED on

What was the last question you ASKED on

Answer here

how do you do "kegels"?

how do you do "kegels"?

Answer here

Monday, July 19, 2010

Is a person a creeper if they ask a lot of questions on ? How come?

Is a person a creeper if they ask a lot of questions on ? How come?

Answer here

“ur boring if u do not ask a lot of questions”?

“ur boring if u do not ask a lot of questions”?

Answer here

Do u feel backpain?

Do u feel backpain?

Answer here

can you speak other languages?

can you speak other languages?

Answer here

What's you favorite show on @tlc?

What's you favorite show on @tlc?

Answer here

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

Answer here

What was your all-time favorite job?

What was your all-time favorite job?

Answer here

What is your favorite movie from 1996?

What is your favorite movie from 1996?

Answer here

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose?

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose?

Answer here

What is your dream car?

What is your dream car?

Answer here

What is your dream car?

What is your dream car?

Answer here

According to @Klout, @drbexl is a Twitter Activist. What kind of Twitter user are you?

According to @Klout, @drbexl is a Twitter Activist. What kind of Twitter user are you?

Answer here

truth or dare?

truth or dare?

Answer here

A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, "They are all blondes, but two, all brunettes, but two, and all redheads, but two." How many daughters did he have?


Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

Answer here

What's the smallest penis you had? Largest? how many if any have been smaller? How many guys you had? What's your size preference?

What's the smallest penis you had? Largest? how many if any have been smaller? How many guys you had? What's your size preference?

Answer here

Hey soul sister aint that Mr. Mister on the radio? stereo?

Hey soul sister aint that Mr. Mister on the radio? stereo?

Answer here

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

Answer here

What is the answer to "A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, 'They are all blondes, but two, all brunettes, but two, and all redheads, but two."How many daughters did he have?' why is that the answer?i realy have no idea but i guessed 3

What is the answer to "A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, 'They are all blondes, but two, all brunettes, but two, and all redheads, but two."How many daughters did he have?' why is that the answer?i realy have no idea but i guessed 3

Answer here

do you do kegels?

do you do kegels?

Answer here

You can take one person anywhere to do one activity with them. Who do you pick, where do you go and what do you do when you get there?

You can take one person anywhere to do one activity with them. Who do you pick, where do you go and what do you do when you get there?

Answer here

why do you think most guys likes slapping their gf butt?

why do you think most guys likes slapping their gf butt?

Answer here

Do You Ever Feel That You Have Two Personalities, Existing Side by Side? (i do not)

Do You Ever Feel That You Have Two Personalities, Existing Side by Side? (i do not)

Answer here

Have you ever had sex on a boat?

Have you ever had sex on a boat?

Answer here

Do you Smoke?

Do you Smoke?

Answer here



Answer here

Sunday, July 18, 2010

what did you do over the weekend? how was it?

what did you do over the weekend? how was it?

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

What one thing would rock your world if it happened tomorrow?

What one thing would rock your world if it happened tomorrow?

Answer here

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Did you relize that ?

Did you relize that ?

Answer here

To get your FREE CVS/pharmacy Brand hand sanitizer pen, go to:

To get your FREE CVS/pharmacy Brand hand sanitizer pen, go to:

Answer here

"It is only TRULY possible to live REALY happily ever after on a day to day basis, WHEN you wear socks." ~-sean beckerer-~ @fseanb

"It is only TRULY possible to live REALY happily ever after on a day to day basis, WHEN you wear socks." ~-sean beckerer-~ @fseanb

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool?what are you wearingwhile you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer... !!

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool?what are you wearingwhile you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer... !!

Answer here

What are you doing or what did you do this weekend? ?

What are you doing or what did you do this weekend? ?

Answer here

Friday, July 16, 2010

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool?what are you wearingwhile you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool?what are you wearingwhile you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

The pics (icons) on formspring are still to small. if you make them biger by the same % you just made them biger then they would be good. please. ok? :)

The pics (icons) on formspring are still to small. if you make them biger by the same % you just made them biger then they would be good. please. ok? :)

Answer here

@CVS_Extra says "visit and you can get a #coupon for a free hand-sanitizer #pen to bring to your local #CVS" ALRIGHT?

@CVS_Extra says "visit and you can get a #coupon for a free hand-sanitizer #pen to bring to your local #CVS" ALRIGHT?

Answer here

If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.

If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.

Answer here

(fixed) please FOLLOW: ~For Real News

(fixed) please FOLLOW: ~For Real News

Answer here

please FOLLOW: Real News

please FOLLOW: Real News

Answer here

please FOLLOW: XXX

please FOLLOW: XXX

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

Why dont people ask you question?

I wish I knew! I wish I knew!

Ask me anything, anything at all...



Answer here

WHat excatly are you wearing right now? any pics of you wearing that?

WHat excatly are you wearing right now? any pics of you wearing that?

Answer here

what are you doing this weekend? will you take pics?

what are you doing this weekend? will you take pics?

Answer here

What do you look for in a woman in terms of physical appearance?

What do you look for in a woman in terms of physical appearance?

Answer here

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

Answer here

if the "truth" was an object, what/how would it be?

if the "truth" was an object, what/how would it be?

Answer here

Do you finger your ass when you masturbate?

Do you finger your ass when you masturbate?

Answer here

Do you moan loud when u reach your orgasm?

Do you moan loud when u reach your orgasm?

Answer here

If you could have skin made out of anything (similar to Colossus' osmium epidermis), what would you pick and why?

If you could have skin made out of anything (similar to Colossus' osmium epidermis), what would you pick and why?

Answer here

is there some way to find out who's anonymous on formspring? I apreciated if you help me out :)

if you know who is trying to be anonumous then it gose agains the whole reason some becomes anonyous in the first place. duh!

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What does a "drama llama!" look like? any pics?

What does a "drama llama!" look like? any pics?

Answer here

What is the best thing anyone has ever told you?

What is the best thing anyone has ever told you?

Answer here

Is there any fear that Brazilians become a problem? (orkut, twitter and other online games)

i wish they would just stop trying to use internet webpages that are in english.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Is there any fear that Brazilians become a problem? (orkut, twitter and other online games)

i wish they would just top trying to use internet webpages that are in english.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower?

Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower?

Answer here

Is there any fear that Brazilians become a problem? (orkut, twitter and other online games)

Is there any fear that Brazilians become a problem? (orkut, twitter and other online games)

Answer here

In detail, how would you escape from a mutant caterpillar that longs only to eat your flesh?

In detail, how would you escape from a mutant caterpillar that longs only to eat your flesh?

Answer here

If you found out your best friend actually hated you how would you react?

If you found out your best friend actually hated you how would you react?

Answer here

What's the fastest speed that you've ever been in a car, and were you driving?

What's the fastest speed that you've ever been in a car, and were you driving?

Answer here

What color is your favorite flavor?

What color is your favorite flavor?

Answer here

how old are you

how old are you

Answer here

Do you have a stripper pole in your home? If not, why not? I'm sure it would be adorable!

Do you have a stripper pole in your home? If not, why not? I'm sure it would be adorable!

Answer here

lost ya my fault. Ballpark are the hotdogs that get bigger when u cook them. Do you like standing sex?

lost ya my fault. Ballpark are the hotdogs that get bigger when u cook them. Do you like standing sex?

Answer here

How long can you tolerate having popcorn thrown at your face?

How long can you tolerate having popcorn thrown at your face?

Answer here

Why are the icons (pics) next to the questions/answers soooo darn small when somone answers a question that a user as asked??? they are hard to see. :(

Why are the icons (pics) next to the questions/answers soooo darn small when somone answers a question that a user as asked??? they are hard to see. :(

Answer here

would you mind if your bf did that in puplic?

would you mind if your bf did that in puplic?

Answer here

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

Answer here

What was your all-time favorite job?

What was your all-time favorite job?

Answer here

Which U.S. city has the best food?

Which U.S. city has the best food?

Answer here

If you could go back in time and re-live any moment, (but not change anything, just re-live it) what would it be, and why?

If you could go back in time and re-live any moment, (but not change anything, just re-live it) what would it be, and why?

Answer here

Let me guess...Fanboy?

Fan of what? What are you trying to say or ask? Make yourself more clear please.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

Are you more idealist or realist?

Are you more idealist or realist?

Answer here

do you regularly wear a belt when you wear something that supports the option for one?

do you regularly wear a belt when you wear something that supports the option for one?

Answer here

What is your favorite kind of music ?

What is your favorite kind of music ?

Answer here

What was your favorite year ?

What was your favorite year ?

Answer here

Do you believe in angels?

Do you believe in angels?

Answer here

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with the money?

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with the money?

Answer here

Lindsay or the court system?

Lindsay or the court system?

Answer here

If you woke up tomorrow with 100 million bucks how many days a year would you travel?

If you woke up tomorrow with 100 million bucks how many days a year would you travel?

Answer here

Funniest thins SAID or HEARD during sex?

Funniest thins SAID or HEARD during sex?

Answer here

Did you watch the MLB all star game? what did you think? why?

Did you watch the MLB all star game? what did you think? why?

Answer here

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What do you think is your most attractive feature ?

What do you think is your most attractive feature ?

Answer here

What is the music you want touch on your funeral?

What is the music you want touch on your funeral?

Answer here

If you could rid the world of one thing , what would it be?

If you could rid the world of one thing , what would it be?

Answer here

Have you ever broken a bone ? Broke, how was it?

Have you ever broken a bone ? Broke, how was it?

Answer here

What is the food you never eat again?

What is the food you never eat again?

Answer here

What is the thing in yourself that you should probably throw away but never play?

What is the thing in yourself that you should probably throw away but never play?

Answer here

Sneakers , hi heels, boots or sandals ? why? when?

Sneakers , hi heels, boots or sandals ? why? when?

Answer here

What is the origin of your name?

What is the origin of your name?

Answer here

Who is the smartest person you know?

Who is the smartest person you know?

Answer here

Who is the sexiest woman alive ?

Who is the sexiest woman alive ?

Answer here

What would be the greatest privilege of the workplace ?

What would be the greatest privilege of the workplace ?

Answer here

What is the most generous thing you've ever done ?

What is the most generous thing you've ever done ?

Answer here

If you could eliminate one of the things you do every day in the bathroom and did not have to do it anymore, what would it be ?

If you could eliminate one of the things you do every day in the bathroom and did not have to do it anymore, what would it be ?

Answer here

You believe there is intelligent life on other planets?

You believe there is intelligent life on other planets?

Answer here

Do you want to be buried or cremated ?

Do you want to be buried or cremated ?

Answer here

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Answer here

If you could instantly have fluency in another language, which would you choose ?

If you could instantly have fluency in another language, which would you choose ?

Answer here

What is the website where you spend more time ?

What is the website where you spend more time ?

Answer here

Cats or dogs?

Cats or dogs?

Answer here

If you could be the master in any skill , what would it be?

If you could be the master in any skill , what would it be?

Answer here

What is your favorite drink?

What is your favorite drink?

Answer here

If you had your own talk show , who would be their first three guests?

If you had your own talk show , who would be their first three guests?

Answer here

Qual foi o pior conselho que você já recebeu?

Qual foi o pior conselho que você já recebeu?

Answer here

If you became a fictional character, who would you be ?

If you became a fictional character, who would you be ?

Answer here

Who is the most overrated musician ?

Who is the most overrated musician ?

Answer here

How would you describe your personality?

How would you describe your personality?

Answer here

if you think is a chken dance then you need to google "chicken dance" and see the real stuff!!!

if you think is a chken dance then you need to google "chicken dance" and see the real stuff!!!

Answer here

WHere do you see yourself in the next 6 years? doing what? how come? how old will you be by then?

WHere do you see yourself in the next 6 years? doing what? how come? how old will you be by then?

Answer here what do you think of that? what do you think of that?

Answer here

I know you have come to embrace your boobs but if you had the choice to pick your boob size, what would it be? would it be bigger or smaller?

I know you have come to embrace your boobs but if you had the choice to pick your boob size, what would it be? would it be bigger or smaller?

Answer here

@MyPornProfile asks Have you ever been caught masturbating? what happend? how old were you? who cought you? where where you at the time?

@MyPornProfile asks Have you ever been caught masturbating? what happend? how old were you? who cought you? where where you at the time?

Answer here

would you please answer this quesion?

would you please answer this quesion?

Answer here

WHat has no one ever asked you that you want people to know about? (it could be about you OR IT COULD BE NOT ABOUT YOU)

WHat has no one ever asked you that you want people to know about? (it could be about you OR IT COULD BE NOT ABOUT YOU)

Answer here

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

Answer here

Where did you get your pretty smile?

Where did you get your pretty smile?

Answer here

Have you seen this puppy; ?

Have you seen this puppy; ?

Answer here

What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!

What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!

Answer here

What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?

What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?

Answer here

What are you most excited about right now?

What are you most excited about right now?

Answer here

If you cut off a glowworm's tail would it be delighted?

If you cut off a glowworm's tail would it be delighted?

Answer here



Answer here

What was your favorite year?

What was your favorite year?

Answer here

What's the secret to happiness?

What's the secret to happiness?

Answer here

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

Answer here

Monday, July 12, 2010

Are you a Hobbit?

Are you a Hobbit?

Answer here

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

Answer here

Do Mormons believe in baby Jesus?!

Do Mormons believe in baby Jesus?!

Answer here

What was your all-time favorite job?

What was your all-time favorite job?

Answer here

do you love your job

do you love your job

Answer here

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

Answer here

are you married

are you married

Answer here

What is your favorite perfume?

What is your favorite perfume?

Answer here

Are you a morning or night person?

Are you a morning or night person?

Answer here

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

Answer here

If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.

If you had $550,000.00 USA Dollars and you could not spend it on bills or a motor vehical.... what would you use the money for and why? please explane.

Answer here

What is the best thing anyone has ever told you?

What is the best thing anyone has ever told you?

Answer here

If had to pick one actor or director to spend the day with...who would it be?

If had to pick one actor or director to spend the day with...who would it be?

Answer here

Who has stronger legs or a more strenious workout? Dancers, ballerinas, strippers, skaters, swimmers, or runners?

Who has stronger legs or a more strenious workout? Dancers, ballerinas, strippers, skaters, swimmers, or runners?

Answer here

How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? also,whats your favorite candy?

How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? also,whats your favorite candy?

Answer here

What kinda games you play?

What kinda games you play?

Answer here

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

Answer here

Who is the most sexiest woman alive? why?

Who is the most sexiest woman alive? why?

Answer here

What song do you want played at your funeral?

What song do you want played at your funeral?

Answer here

What's your dream car?

What's your dream car?

Answer here

What kind of guys are you into? Personality and appearence?

What kind of guys are you into? Personality and appearence?

Answer here

do you realy enjoy what you are doing? i mean do you feel the urge to do it..or just like a duty?? thank you mam

do you realy enjoy what you are doing? i mean do you feel the urge to do it..or just like a duty?? thank you mam

Answer here

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

Answer here

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?

Answer here

What was the weirdest gift you ever received?

What was the weirdest gift you ever received?

Answer here

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

Answer here

What was the happiest moment in your life?

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Answer here

Who's the most overrated actor?

Who's the most overrated actor?

Answer here

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

Answer here

do you have any favorite stand up comedians? Who? Why?

do you have any favorite stand up comedians? Who? Why?

Answer here

What resturant was your all time favoret pizza created and what was on it? why was it soooooo good?

What resturant was your all time favoret pizza created and what was on it? why was it soooooo good?

Answer here

how I do block someone?

I do not know. i do not work for formspring. you will have to follow formsring and ask them. so who are you? how did you find me??? Would you only speak in english please?

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What is your all time favorite pizza topping?

What is your all time favorite pizza topping?

Answer here

@Socks4HappyPPL Check out this comment about the fun of socks:

@Socks4HappyPPL Check out this comment about the fun of socks:

Answer here

where did John and Ade find Formspring?

where did John and Ade find Formspring?

Answer here

What are your favorite TV shows?

What are your favorite TV shows?

Answer here

How do the socks you wear make you feel? [Let's put this question out to the floor! How do YOUR socks make YOU feel?!]

How do the socks you wear make you feel? [Let's put this question out to the floor! How do YOUR socks make YOU feel?!]

Answer here

"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet." what socks are you wearing now?

"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet." what socks are you wearing now?

Answer here

WHAT songs can you sing from memory?

WHAT songs can you sing from memory?

Answer here

hi, how are you? i am a nice guy if you get to know me. you must be under 18 years old. formspring waws created so that people could ask questions. i am using it to the fullest. get with the programe please. ok? :) ;)

hi,how are you?i am a nice guy if you get to know me. you must be under 18 years old. formspring waws created so that people could ask questions. i am using it to the fullest. get with the programe please. ok? :) ;)

Answer here

what is you favorite thing on web?

what is you favorite thing on web?

Answer here

Why do you like to spam and bother other people for no reason other than making your pathetic life seem more important?

I do not spam anyone. i ask people question on that is why formspring was created and i want to use it to the fullest. it is not my fault if other people can get with the programe and also use to the fullest.
if i bother you then get a life..; use to the fullest or don't bother people on it at all.
I do not make fun of anyone on like you seem to like to do. why cant you be nice to everyone on well, why can't you be nice?
if you think i was not nice to you or somone else then you just dont relize that i was only stateing truthful facts. you may not belive that it was the truth but i do not lie.

Ask me anything, anything at all...

would you mind it if your bf was always grabbing and slapping butt?

would you mind it if your bf was always grabbing and slapping butt?

Answer here

"If you want to be REALY happy, use compassion while wearing socks." - Sean Beckerer (@fseanb) #quote alright? why?

"If you want to be REALY happy, use compassion while wearing socks." - Sean Beckerer (@fseanb) #quote alright? why?

Answer here

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer ?

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer ?

Answer here

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where would you most like to vacation?

Where would you most like to vacation?

Answer here

do you often wear a thong?

do you often wear a thong?

Answer here

have ever farted in front of your bf?

have ever farted in front of your bf?

Answer here

is this fun?

is this fun?

Answer here

soo wait if u have sex in porn when u have a bf it's not cheating , then why can't u come to Moscow and have sex with me ?) im 20 + i love ur website )

soo wait if u have sex in porn when u have a bf it's not cheating , then why can't u come to Moscow and have sex with me ?) im 20 + i love ur website )

Answer here

What's your favourite outfit to make you feel sexy?

What's your favourite outfit to make you feel sexy?

Answer here

How many songs can you sing from memory?

How many songs can you sing from memory?

Answer here ok? ok?

Answer here

when you change the logo on why dont you change the logo on the formsring accont to match?

when you change the logo on why dont you change the logo on the formsring accont to match?

Answer here

What does your bathingsuit look like? details please.

What does your bathingsuit look like? details please.

Answer here

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Answer here

Friday, July 9, 2010

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Google Can Find Only 8 Women to Honor, Over 100 Men: @change What do you think about that? why?

Answer here

@Socks4HappyPPL "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. but no mater what i choise, it will be even better if i wear socks." - sean beckerer (@fseanb)

@Socks4HappyPPL "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. but no mater what i choise, it will be even better if i wear socks." - sean beckerer (@fseanb)

Answer here

If you were deserted on an island (not the Lost island), what two things would you bring with you? One stipulation - you can't bring technology.

If you were deserted on an island (not the Lost island), what two things would you bring with you? One stipulation - you can't bring technology.

Answer here

How come you are not answering ALL my questions????????? i thought that was what formspring was for.

How come you are not answering ALL my questions????????? i thought that was what formspring was for.

Answer here

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; HOW ARE YOU KEEPING COOL? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

Do you use twitter and how do i find you on it?

Do you use twitter and how do i find you on it?

Answer here

Thursday, July 8, 2010

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

“Is Jousting the Next Extreme Sport?”

Answer here

WHy is Ham square when othEr luNch meaT is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

WHy is Ham square when othEr luNch meaT is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

Answer here

What is your favorite toy to play with as an adult?

What is your favorite toy to play with as an adult?

Answer here

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

Answer here

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Answer here

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

Answer here

Do you generally prefer answering yes or no to "yes or no" questions? And, why is that so?

Do you generally prefer answering yes or no to "yes or no" questions? And, why is that so?

Answer here



Answer here

how can i change language on my account?

i hope you never can. ENGLISH is the best!

Ask me anything, anything at all...

do you think you got a nice ass?

do you think you got a nice ass?

Answer here

WHy is Ham square when othr luch mean is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

WHy is Ham square when othr luch mean is round when you get them in the containores at the food store?

Answer here

Who let the dogs out?

Who let the dogs out?

Answer here

do you sometimes fart?

do you sometimes fart?

Answer here

what do your socks say about the kinda person you are? why?

what do your socks say about the kinda person you are? why?

Answer here

How do the socks you wear make you feel?

How do the socks you wear make you feel?

Answer here

~"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet make them. People that arent wearing or don't wear sock arent truely happy" -sean beckerer

~"Most people are about as happy as the socks on their feet make them. People that arent wearing or don't wear sock arent truely happy" -sean beckerer

Answer here

Stop worrying what life should be & start living what life is.! (L)ive (I)t (F)ully (E)veryday #Life and NO complaining 2day! (If you change the way you look at things,, the things you look at WILL #CHANGE --Dyer UNDERSTAND?

Stop worrying what life should be & start living what life is.! (L)ive (I)t (F)ully (E)veryday #Life and NO complaining 2day! (If you change the way you look at things,, the things you look at WILL #CHANGE --Dyer UNDERSTAND?

Answer here



Answer here

How did you think of that awesome question?

How did you think of that awesome question?

Answer here

why r u so weak minded that you block people that fuck with you? its just words

why r u so weak minded that you block people that fuck with you? its just words

Answer here

Are you rough or gentle on your pantyhose?

Are you rough or gentle on your pantyhose?

Answer here

What flavor is your favorite color?

What flavor is your favorite color?

Answer here

What color is your favorite flavor?

What color is your favorite flavor?

Answer here

who is your ultimate favourite singer and why?

who is your ultimate favourite singer and why?

Answer here

What is formspring? what are members supost to do with it once they join? how come?

What is formspring? what are members supost to do with it once they join? how come?

Answer here

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What 4 words would you list to discribe yourself? Why those 4 words?

What 4 words would you list to discribe yourself? Why those 4 words?

Answer here

Do you watch porn ?

Do you watch porn ?

Answer here

What did you dream about last night?

What did you dream about last night?

Answer here

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?

Answer here

What do you have against me? why? :(

What do you have against me? why? :(

Answer here

What is you life goal?

you already asked me this and i told you it was to live longer. ok?

Ask me anything, anything at all...

"Chelsea Charms" - #Google Search Can a #BoobJob be too big or what? why?

"Chelsea Charms" - #Google Search Can a #BoobJob be too big or what? why?

Answer here

wht bout BP?

wht bout BP?

Answer here

Why is it not easy yo get images of you havig sex with other men?

Why is it not easy yo get images of you havig sex with other men?

Answer here

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

Answer here

☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺:) ??

☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺:) ??

Answer here

Do u feel backpain?

Do u feel backpain?

Answer here

do you wear a lot of make up

do you wear a lot of make up

Answer here

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

Answer here

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

Answer here

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

Answer here

What is something no one has ever asked you that you want people to know about? (this can be about you OR NOT ABOUT YOU)

What is something no one has ever asked you that you want people to know about? (this can be about you OR NOT ABOUT YOU)

Answer here

Have you had any near death experiences?

Have you had any near death experiences?

Answer here

What age did your boobs start growing?

What age did your boobs start growing?

Answer here

Out of everything in your bio what is your favorite thing to do?

Out of everything in your bio what is your favorite thing to do?

Answer here

Do you have strong legs? Can you do the splits?

Do you have strong legs? Can you do the splits?

Answer here

When was the last time you got a good question on here?

When was the last time you got a good question on here?

Answer here

Where do you find the patience to answer all the inane, ridiculous questions you get on here? Please explane well. LOL jk. But seriously, you've got the resolve of a saint. I would have snapped a few dozen questions ago! ;)

Where do you find the patience to answer all the inane, ridiculous questions you get on here? Please explane well. LOL jk. But seriously, you've got the resolve of a saint. I would have snapped a few dozen questions ago! ;)

Answer here

What meat do you eat?

What meat do you eat?

Answer here

ever had a threesome or better yet, a foursome?

ever had a threesome or better yet, a foursome?

Answer here

this is a Chicken apple walnut mixed green salad topped with gorganzola & raspberry vinegarette. is this yum?

this is a Chicken apple walnut mixed green salad topped with gorganzola & raspberry vinegarette. is this yum?

Answer here

Whats your favorite ballet?

Whats your favorite ballet?

Answer here

Do u feel backpain?

I think every human as at one time or another in their lives. i bet even you have, right??

Ask me anything, anything at all...

What is the most comfortable thingTO WEAR that you own? any photos of you wearing just that? explane please.

What is the most comfortable thingTO WEAR that you own? any photos of you wearing just that? explane please.

Answer here

What is the most comfortable thing you own?

What is the most comfortable thing you own?

Answer here

what are some of your pet peeves?

what are some of your pet peeves?

Answer here

how old u think i look

how old u think i look

Answer here

What was your first paying job?

What was your first paying job?

Answer here

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Answer here

Wut has been your longest relationship!?

Wut has been your longest relationship!?

Answer here

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

Answer here

whats the strangest thing u would do for $300?

whats the strangest thing u would do for $300?

Answer here

what size shoe u wear

what size shoe u wear

Answer here

if you could be any brand of candy, what would it be?

if you could be any brand of candy, what would it be?

Answer here

it doesn't matter how old or recent the cartoon is, whats your favorite cartoon?

it doesn't matter how old or recent the cartoon is, whats your favorite cartoon?

Answer here

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

Answer here

Whats your greatest feature?

Whats your greatest feature?

Answer here

what is the wackest line a dude use to try to get your attention?

what is the wackest line a dude use to try to get your attention?

Answer here

what nationality are you?

what nationality are you?

Answer here

Would you be happy if within the next 5 years you'd have a husband, children and a 'regular' (non porn) job as a video editor?

Would you be happy if within the next 5 years you'd have a husband, children and a 'regular' (non porn) job as a video editor?

Answer here

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

In this #heat; how are you keeping cool? what are you wearing while you keep cool? @fseanb #fseanb #humidity #summer

Answer here

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

Answer here

If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?

If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?

Answer here

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

Answer here

If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?

If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?

Answer here

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm looking at "sean's ramblings..." come see what it is all about... What do you think of it? why?

I'm looking at "sean's ramblings..." come see what it is all about... What do you think of it? why?

Answer here

WHat question do you get asked most? what is your answer to that question you get asked most? HOW COME?

WHat question do you get asked most? what is your answer to that question you get asked most? HOW COME?

Answer here

do you wear high heels? if yes, what is your shoe size? what heel hight do you like to wear? why? any photos?

do you wear high heels? if yes, what is your shoe size? what heel hight do you like to wear? why? any photos?

Answer here

Do you believe some people have problems identifying what is a healthy interest in someone and what is more obsessive or stalker-type behavior?

Do you believe some people have problems identifying what is a healthy interest in someone and what is more obsessive or stalker-type behavior?

Answer here

Did you wash your hands today?

Did you wash your hands today?

Answer here

Have you seen this puppy; ?

Have you seen this puppy; ?

Answer here

What is your favoret question to answer on formspring? why? what was/is your answer to that favoret question?

What is your favoret question to answer on formspring? why? what was/is your answer to that favoret question?

Answer here

what was the most sexual question you ever answered on formspring; why, and what was your answer?

what was the most sexual question you ever answered on formspring; why, and what was your answer?

Answer here

what is the crasiest/stranges/oddest/dumbest/awsomwst Question you have ever answered on formspring and what was your answer? why?

what is the crasiest/stranges/oddest/dumbest/awsomwst Question you have ever answered on formspring and what was your answer? why?

Answer here

Who is the most sexiest woman alive? why?

Who is the most sexiest woman alive? why?

Answer here

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Answer here

What's your dream car?

What's your dream car?

Answer here

What kinda games you play?

What kinda games you play?

Answer here

So how is life going for you?

So how is life going for you?

Answer here

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

Answer here

What song do you want played at your funeral?

What song do you want played at your funeral?

Answer here

What kind of guys are you into? Personality and appearence?

What kind of guys are you into? Personality and appearence?

Answer here

do you realy enjoy what you are doing? i mean do you feel the urge to do it..or just like a duty?? thank you mam

do you realy enjoy what you are doing? i mean do you feel the urge to do it..or just like a duty?? thank you mam

Answer here

ok. Describe what you would make me do if you found me stealing your panties

ok. Describe what you would make me do if you found me stealing your panties

Answer here

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

Answer here

Are you a morning or night person?

Are you a morning or night person?

Answer here

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

Answer here

how big is your dildo

how big is your dildo

Answer here

What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!

What are your measuements? your figure is such a turn on!

Answer here

If you had the power to would you rather grow huge like 50 ft tall or shrink me to like 1 ft tall?

If you had the power to would you rather grow huge like 50 ft tall or shrink me to like 1 ft tall?

Answer here

are you married

are you married

Answer here

Would you want to get bigger? If so, by how much?

Would you want to get bigger? If so, by how much?

Answer here

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

Answer here

What website do you spend the most time on?

What website do you spend the most time on?

Answer here

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

Answer here

If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?

If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?

Answer here

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No Sugar Tonight

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