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Connecticut, United States

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Monday, August 2, 2010

well what do you think the reason is for "Opportunity may knock, but it seldom gives you free #Socks" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ???

well what do you think the reason is for "Opportunity may knock, but it seldom gives you free #Socks" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ???

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1 + 1 =

1 + 1 =

Answer here

did you relize that ~ Ladies: For love towork it not about lookin into each others eyes,But its about how u look in ur #socks and how often u wear em?

did you relize that ~ Ladies: For love towork it not about lookin into each others eyes,But its about how u look in ur #socks and how often u wear em?

Answer here

do they pay to sit there and answer these questions?

do they pay to sit there and answer these questions?

Answer here

have you tryed: ?

have you tryed: ?

Answer here

If you had your choice for your partner to do one thing in bed that they NEVER do, what would it be? why do you pick that?

If you had your choice for your partner to do one thing in bed that they NEVER do, what would it be? why do you pick that?

Answer here

Did you know: "People are not stressed in this world; they're just NOT wearing #Socks." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ???

Did you know: "People are not stressed in this world; they're just NOT wearing #Socks." -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ???

Answer here

did you know that "Ppl rarely succeed unless they're having fun in their #socks that they're wearing" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ?

did you know that "Ppl rarely succeed unless they're having fun in their #socks that they're wearing" -Sean Beckerer @fseanb ?

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did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

Did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

did you hear: #Y7news: Forget those pencil-thin models. Italy names ‘Miss Chubby’ beauty queen. Photo: ??

Answer here

Love this list btw: have you seen it? what do you think of it and how come?

Love this list btw: have you seen it? what do you think of it and how come?

Answer here

Will you please ask me some questions? How come?

Will you please ask me some questions? How come?

Answer here

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

american idol

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

What TV show do you wish would Come back on the air and why?

What TV show do you wish would Come back on the air and why?

Answer here

What TV show do you wish would Come back on the air and why?

What TV show do you wish would Come back on the air and why?

Answer here

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

Answer here

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

Answer here

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

american idol

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

Would you please, for the sake of the USA, resign from being the president asap?

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?


PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

Alguém já fez acontecer,e você não fez valer a pena?

what dose this mean?

PLEASE, Ask me anything, anything at all...

If you were an animale, see life, or bird; what would you want to be and why?

If you were an animale, see life, or bird; what would you want to be and why?

Answer here

What were you most scared of as a little kid?

What were you most scared of as a little kid?

Answer here

Has anyone ever did happen, and you did not worth it ?

Has anyone ever did happen, and you did not worth it ?

Answer here

If you were a crayon , what color would it be?

If you were a crayon , what color would it be?

Answer here

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No Sugar Tonight

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